Joe Tianchang chuckled, "I'm just thinking about it. Let's go."

Ryan looked at Joe Tianchang and said, "boss?"

"Do as we say." "Joe Tianchang said in an ambiguous way," go now. "

Although Ryan still didn't understand what they meant, he obediently told Shangren to step back one by one.

After all the people had retreated, Joe Tianchang looked at the cave with his hands around his chest and a playful smile on his face.

Feng Xiao saw Qiao Tianchang's appearance and was a little surprised: "what are you calculating?"

Qiao Tianchang looked at fengxiao and said, "don't you find anything wrong?"

What's wrong? Feng Xiao thought about it carefully, and suddenly his eyes widened: "the smell of this place, and..."

"You're right."

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang with an unbelievable look: "have you been calculating since you went in?"

"No, I didn't. I only found out later." Qiao Tianchang smiles and shakes his head, and directly denies.

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a disdainful look: "I said you are such a schemer, does Mengyao know?"

"Yes." Qiao Tianchang nodded seriously.

They both know each other very well, which he can see from the only memory and several diaries.

"It's shameful of you to show your love anytime and anywhere." Feng Xiao said not very angry.

"This is not what I want to show, but what you want to ask yourself. No wonder I am." Joe Tianchang smiled a little. He looked very beautiful.

"Here comes the old man." When fengxiao said something, Nanyu suddenly said.

Qiao Tianchang nodded and waved, and the people beside him disappeared in a moment.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the man standing on the edge: "are you going to be a living target here? I don't mind if you want to. "

"You don't mind, I do. Who are you? Or not a friend, or a brother? " Feng Xiao glared at Qiao Tianchang and said with contempt.

"Then what are you still doing here? People will come out soon." Qiao Tianchang pointed to the cave and said casually.

Feng Xiao listened carefully and didn't hear anything.

"Isn't there no movement?" Feng Xiao asked with a frown.

"Don't doubt Nanyu's words. Listen to what he said, or you will suffer a loss." Nanyu has been in contact with Gu Chong since he was a child. Later, he even kept Gu Wang in his own body. He is very sensitive to animals and other things. I'm afraid that he could say something like this only when he felt something strange happened to the bats in the body?

Feng Xiao takes a look at Qiao Tianchang and nods. He'd better listen to what they say. Since Nanyu can say it, it must have his basis.

After they hid, the bats in the cave flew out of the cave and made a harsh sound.

In the dark, fengxiao looks at this scene and looks at Nanyu. He can't help but listen.

The person below looked around one eye, brow tightly wrinkled up: "not to say that the person has come over?"

"Yes, but in the dark, since general Joe has come, why hide like this? It's not like what general Joe can do." The man beside looked around and said in a cold voice.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at the person below and slightly hooked up the corner of his mouth.

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang and asks silently.

Joe Tianchang shook his head at him, motioning not to speak.

The person below frowned: "is it because we feel wrong?"

"No, people are nearby. As for where I don't know. " The man who shouted at Joe Tianchang before, squinting.

What method did they use to hide so many people's breath.

Even if they are strong enough, they can't do this. After all, not everyone's force value is as rebellious as Qiao Tianchang.