"Brother fengxiao, I don't think you need to worry about it at all. If you dare to do that, you must have already figured out a way." Seeing how worried he was, Ryan said at once.


Qiao Tianchang suddenly looked up at the sky and said, "big black and small black are back."

Feng Xiao looked at Qiao Tianchang in a surprised direction. When he saw the big black and small black circling in the sky, he suddenly understood: "what are you letting them follow that fake Xiao?"

"Well, there's a second entrance to this place. Before we go in, there are some very messy footprints at the entrance of this cave. However, I don't know if you have found them. It's only about three or four meters away from the entrance. There are no footprints in other places, and the footprints are too deep. It's obvious that they have been twice." Qiao Tianchang opened his mouth at will and said.

Feng Xiao didn't pay much attention to this: "it seems that you really do."

"So you're more skeptical?"

"Well, it's called treating people in their own way. They can do it, and we can do it." Joe Tianchang chuckled sarcastically.

Feng Xiao sighed heavily: "all of a sudden, I found that your husband and wife are thieves. They are really smart enough. You have calculated them. What else do you have

Qiao Tianchang frowned and thought about it carefully. Then he said, "nothing but these."

"I don't believe it."

"Nanyu has two people for you. I want to know what we want to know in the shortest time." Qiao Tianchang looked at the two people on the ground and said lightly.


The two were taken away by Nanyu. As a result, one died and the other was still alive, but almost collapsed.

Leian sighed heavily and said sadly: "did you find out, boss? Nanyu is more abnormal. "

It used to be cold and speechless. It's like three sticks can't fart, but now it's OK. It's a set of methods to make people upset. It's a lot of words, but he would rather this guy talk less than before. At least he won't feel so bad, isn't it?

Qiao Tianchang looked at Lei An and said, "look behind you."

Lei An turns around and sees Nanyu standing behind him and looking at him. His eyes make Lei An shiver.

"That's good for you."

Nan Yu takes a look at Lei An, walks to Qiao Tianchang's side, and tells Qiao Tianchang the news he just got.

This place can be used in the past, yes, but the final result may be that they will all die, and the reason why the people of the Xiao family can come out of it is because they go to another place, which can really lead to the base camp of the Xiao family.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "is Qingliu ready?"


"Let's go."

Qiao Tianchang took the lead in leaving with others. Before leaving, he killed the living man.

They can't do such a living thing.

Feng Xiao looked at Qiao Tianchang's sharp hand, and couldn't help but tut: "Tianchang sometimes I really think your hands are not cruel, but gorgeous dancing."

Qiao Tianchang's movement pauses a little: "when do you have a good look to make a move, you will know what is gorgeous dance."

"I don't think Mengyao has done it twice. I don't think so." Feng Xiao frowned.

"You see, that was a few years ago. In recent years, Yao Yao seldom started. When she did, you would know what is aestheticism." Qiao Tianchang said with a smile.

What is he? The sword move of snow falling sword in ningmengyao's hand is to be light and elegant, because only in this way can we better cooperate with snow falling sword, and such martial arts are more like dancing under ningmengyao's interpretation.

Now he and ningmengyao can't practice swords well, because he will be attracted by ningmengyao's swordsmanship.

"Is it? Go back and try. " Feng Xiao said with great interest.

"If you want to die, go."

“……” Can the man say something good about himself? Why is it so damaging every time you speak? What is going to die?