Nanyu looked at fengxiao and said, "even if the eldest brother is in the hands of his sister-in-law, he will be hurt if he is not serious. We have seen the sword move of his sister-in-law once. It's very beautiful. It's like dancing, but it's such a sword move. It's easy for people to indulge in it. If he is not careful, he will be seriously injured."

"Yes, I've seen it. That's why the eldest brother and his sister-in-law don't practice swords together now." Ryan nodded. He saw it, too.

The two of them now have a better match in their sword moves. They not only cooperate well, but also attract each other. They don't know what they will look like when they play their sword moves to the extreme, because they don't even know Qiao Tianchang themselves.

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang unexpectedly: "so evil?"

"It's not the evil sect. This is what snow falling sword will look like at the end of practice. But then I think of something. Maybe I can try it with Yao Yao after I go back." Qiao Tianchang said casually.

"Then we have a good eye." Feng Xiao said jokingly.

"Now is not the time to say this. You can watch it whenever you want. Let's go." Qiao Tianchang takes the lead in going to another road. Big black and small black fly in the sky, as if they are leading the way.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the sky and said, "well, it's going to change."

"Tianchang, what are those you just used?" Feng Xiao suddenly thought of it and asked strangely.


"Bombs? What is that? "

Qiao Tianchang glanced at fengxiao and said, "a weapon with great killing power can blow up at one point. As long as one weapon can blow up many people, it was made by the long Princess of Xiaoguo hundreds of years ago. It has been kept until now."

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang stupidly: "isn't it fake? Hundreds of years, and now? "

"Well, not only is it well preserved, but this is only one of them. It is because of these things and the help of the long princess that Xiao kingdom became a big country at that time. It is also because of these things that Xiao kingdom is still so powerful until now." Qiao Tianchang said lightly.

In fact, many people know about these things, but no one has said it. Fengxiao is not the one who can't say anything. Qiao Tianchang doesn't say that he must keep it secret.

Feng Xiao is speechless for a moment after listening. Xiao Kingdom even has such a trump card weapon: "but why..."

"The monarchs of the state of Xiao are people who have little ambition. They never thought of dominating one side. Every emperor of the state of Xiao just wanted to make the people live better. How to make the state of Xiao pass on forever." But some people can't see the existence of Xiaoguo, so they are always provocative, and the final result is to eat their own fruit.

Feng Xiao nodded, as if to understand: "since then you are going to start this time?"

"No, we won't use too much of these things. This time, there are not only puppets but also poisonous people in Xiaoguo, fengxiao. The poisonous people here are different from those in Ziling. If the poisonous people are not careful, they will become disasters." Joe Tianchang squinted.

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang unexpectedly with a strange expression: "so you plan to use these things to reduce the number of poisons and puppets? And clean up some forces of the Xiao family? "

Joe Tianchang said, "you are right. If these poisonous people really go out, they will have a great impact. We can't afford it."

Feng Xiao understood Qiao Tianchang's meaning after a little thought. They are generals of the border. They should not only keep the border, but also keep the people here. They can't suffer any grievances.

Speaking, they have reached a hidden entrance, which is not far from the cave just now. Qiao Tianchang looks at the trace, and the corners of his mouth are slightly hooked up.

This is clearly someone who has just passed by. It seems that they have found the right place.

"Let's go. Our main purpose is to clean up the poisons and puppets as much as possible. After the poisons are killed, they must be burned." Qiao Tianchang said in a deep voice as he walked inside.

"Boss, we know."

"Qingliu is ready."
