Feng Xiao three people sympathetically looked at Qiao Tianci and said kindly, "half of the strength of the boss just now hasn't been exerted."

"Qiao Tianchang, are you looking down on me?"

As for Qiao Tianci, Qiao Tianchang is not surprised. He looks at Qiao Tianci and says, "it's your own problem how you think as you change."

"Joe Tianchang, you want to die." What Qiao Tianci hates most is what Qiao Tianchang looks like now. His appearance always makes him think that Qiao Tianchang is looking down on him. It used to be like this, and it still is.

Maybe it was stimulated by Qiao Tianchang. Qiao Tianci started without saying anything.

Looking at Qiao Tianci's act of suicide, Lei An shook his head: "this man seems to have a problem with his head. He plans to fight with the boss."

However, when they saw that Qiao Tianchang had been given by Qiao Tianci, they opened their eyes wide: "what do you do not fight back, boss? What are you doing? "

"When I was a child, you saved my life. I gave you the palm just now. From now on, you and I are not brothers but enemies." Qiao Tianchang didn't pay attention to the blood on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Qiao Tianci and said coldly.

Nan Yu and Lei An's face was a little ugly: "boss, he owes you more. What are you doing? If sister-in-law knows you hurt yourself like this, she will be angry. "

Qiao Tianchang glanced at lei'an and said, "don't tell Yao Yao about this. If she knows it, I will count it on you whether you say it or not."

“……” Lei An and Qiao Tianchang are speechless. Is there such a threat?

Qiao Tianci's face said: "hypocrisy."

When Ryan heard this, he had to go away, but he was grabbed by someone: "don't get in the way."

"Fuck, who's in the way? Nanyu, please make it clear to me. "

"It's about you. Just close your mouth and watch." Nan Yu stares at Lei An. He believes that the boss wants to have a fight with Qiao Tianci, and understands all the old grudges.

"Ryan, listen to Nanyu. We can't interfere in this matter." Feng Xiao frowned at Lei An and said.

Lei An was silent and didn't speak, but he frowned all the time. He was worried about Qiao Tianchang.

However, it turns out that Qiao Tianchang is Qiao Tianchang, and his worry is unnecessary.

Although hurt, but the strength is stronger than Qiao Tianci do not know how many times.

In addition to the beginning, the back is basically under the pressure of Qiao Tianci.

"I used to wake up and I didn't have anything, but there was another brother. I thought our relationship would be the same as Qitian and Qifeng, but I later understood that no matter how much I did, I was the one who robbed you of everything in your heart. Don't qiaotian know that? No, you know it all, but you still think it's all my fault. You are narrow-minded and can't see others better than you. " Qiao Tianchang pressed Qiao Tianci under his body, reached for his neck, and said hoarsely.

Qiaotianci looked at qiaotianchang and said, "don't speak so grandly. Didn't you please those two people?"

Qiao Tianchang looks at Qiao Tianci like this, and suddenly feels that his persistence in these years has no significance.

"Don't think everyone thinks the same as you, Joe. Do you really think I don't know anything? I know a lot of things, but I didn't say anything in the brotherhood, but don't take my unwillingness to speak as ignorance. " Joe Tianchang said with cold eyes.

At this time, Qiao Tianci suddenly got into trouble and kicked Qiao Tianchang out. Then he clapped his hand heavily on the ground, and his whole body rose up in the air and rushed towards Qiao Tianchang.

However, his proud speed, in Joe Tianchang's eyes, is such a pediatrician.

When Qiao Tianci's hand penetrated Qiao Tianchang's chest, Qiao Tianci laughed. However, he soon found something wrong, which was the shadow.