Qiao Tianchang said in a hoarse voice after Qiao Tianci: "are you happy too early, and your speed is too slow?"

Qiao Tianchang's voice is like a magic spell, holding him tightly, just like tormenting his dream for years.

They stood on the side of Nanyu island and watched Qiao Tianchang's action. They saw it as shocking and beautiful. Qiao Tianchang was just like Ning Mengyao. Their sword moves were light and elegant. But because Qiao Tianchang's sword was heavier, there were more heavy moves.

"I suddenly want to see what Mengyao's sword looks like."

The strength of the two men is considered to be the same clan. I don't know how different the two men will use the same sword move? Qiao Tianchang is so excellent. What about Mengyao?

Nanyu and Lei An are looking at fengxiao at the same time. What is this man's brain doing? Is this the time to say that?

Feng Xiao calmly let the two people look at him, and his eyes were always on Qiao Tianchang's body: "it's ok if you don't help Qingliu?"

"I've already done it. What are you worried about when there are those things against the weather?" Said Ryan, disgusted.

Feng Xiao's eyelids beat: "as expected, what kind of boss, what kind of subordinates."

"What do you want to say?"

"You are just as headstrong as your boss."

What are these three guys not willful? This kind of rebellious thing has been used.

"Thank you for your compliment."

"No praise for you." Feng Xiao said that he disliked it.

When they were talking, Qiao Tianci was beaten out by Qiao Tianchang again. This time, Qiao Tianci didn't get up after lying on the ground for a long time.

Feng Xiao and Qiao Tianchang looked at them. They frowned tightly: "Tianchang, are you ok?"

Now Qiao Tianchang is a little worried. His breath is cold and his eyes are red. Instead of being ferocious, he has the taste of hating iron but not steel.

"Joe Tianchang, if you win, you'll be free to kill." When Qiao Tianci knew he couldn't move, he didn't say anything. Looking at Qiao Tianchang, he said calmly.

Qiao Tianchang walked towards Qiao Tianci step by step and raised his hand and punched him on the chin.

"I really don't know what you're doing is not good. Why do you want to make yourself look like a man without ghosts? Do you know what you're doing?" Qiao Tianchang reached out and grabbed Qiao Tianci's collar and said angrily.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang who was so angry, Qiao Tianci was shocked. He thought that Qiao Tianchang would kill him.

"This will make me more powerful." Qiao Tianci was silent for a while, then said.

When Qiao Tianchang heard that he had made himself look like this, he actually wanted to become more powerful. He didn't know what words to use to describe his feeling now.

Endure endure, Joe Tianchang still did not resist, raised a palm to fan in Qiao Tianci's face.

"There are so many ways to be strong. Why do you choose the stupidest way? Is your brain funny, or is it for decoration? " Said Jo in a furious voice.

“……” Is it really good to say that the three people watching the theatre are speechless at the same time?

"Joe Tianchang, don't think I can't beat you, I can't help you." Joe is angry. Can this guy speak with less poison?

Qiao Tianchang looked at Qiao Tianci coolly, and said leisurely, "can't even move, still want to move me? Why don't you want to bite me? "

Feng Xiao can't help but want to cover his face. Why does the painting suddenly become like this?

Didn't it just be murderous? They can't get used to it.

Qiao Tianci's mouth slightly twitches: "get out of the way."

"Nanyu come and show him." Qiao Tianchang looks at Nanyu by the side.

"Boss..." Nanyu is wrinkling without any reluctance.

"Don't look, I know what my body is like. Joe Tianchang killed me and burned my body, otherwise you will regret it." Qiao Tianci looked at Qiao Tianchang and said.

Qiao Tianchang is right. He doesn't know a lot of things. He just doesn't want to know. So he has been deceiving himself and thinks that he is the victim of Qiao Tianchang today.

But just now when he saw Qiao Tianchang like that, his heart suddenly felt strange. It seemed that he had returned to his childhood, when they just came out of Qiao's house and he lost Qiao Tianchang.