"Maybe I've changed since I lost you. I've become narrow-minded and think about everything in a bad way." Qiao Tianci looked at Qiao Tianchang and said.

When he saw that the younger brother came back alive and changed his appearance, he felt very strange in his heart, especially when he saw that their relationship with Xiao Qitian could be integrated so well, he was thinking why he didn't die twice? Why do you come back alive?

But now think about it, he suddenly think that this idea is really ridiculous, he should be happy when his brother comes back? Why do you think so?

Now, I think it's incredible. What I've done over the years, I almost killed my brother.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Qiao Tianci in silence. The latter just smiles: "even if you don't come, I won't live long."

He could feel that his body was out of his control. If he went on like this, his final result would be the appearance of those puppets, which he didn't want to see.

Maybe it's the best for him to die in his brother's hands.

He can't pay back the money. Looking at Joe Tianchang's appearance now, "you are so good now, really."


Nan Yu goes to Qiao Tianci's side in silence and shakes his head after feeling his pulse.

As this man said, his body has already suffered to the limit. Either he will die directly or he will become a puppet. If this man becomes a puppet, it will not be a good thing for them.

"Do you know what they want me to be here for?" Qiao Tianci suddenly looks at Qiao Tianchang and asks.


"Their purpose is to let me go to the border city, and then I will die there. After I die, you know what the result will be like." Qiao Tianci smiled at Qiao Tianchang.

It's just that smile, no matter what it looks like, is a little sad.

He did a lot of things for those people, but at last he became what he is now, and then he came to this end. As Qiao Tianchang said, his brain is funny, so he can choose such a way to become stronger.

Ryan's face suddenly changed: "boss..."

"Tianchang killed me and burned me. Only in this way can we ensure that those people will not do such things. All the poisonous people are in this place. Remember what I said, we must burn them." Qiao Tianci looked at Qiao Tianchang and said earnestly.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Qiao Tianci in silence: "why do you..."

"It's good to say that people will die. Believe it or not, but I want to say that I regret it. I already regretted it two or three years ago, especially after I nearly killed you, my mind was shaken." Qiao Tianci looked at Qiao Tianchang and said with a wry smile.

If you had thought about it earlier, wouldn't it be like this now.

Qiao Tianci's expression of regret made Qiao Tianchang silent.

"Well, Tianchang Come on, hurry up. " Qiao Tianci's body suddenly became rigid. The body that could not move started to move slowly, which was really weird.


"Do it, or you will all die here." Qiao Tianci reached out to hold Qiao Tianchang's collar tightly and said.

Looking at Qiao Tianci's exposed hands, Nanyu suddenly raised many traces, like a green tendon, and her face changed slightly: "boss..."

"I see." Qiao Tianchang takes out his dagger and pierces Qiao Tianci's heart. Qiao Tianci looks at Qiao Tianchang's calm eyes and suddenly smiles.

"I'm satisfied to see that you're doing well." Qiao Tianci closes his face and eyes.

Feng Xiao pulls Qiao Tianchang up. They see a lot of insects coming out of Qiao Tianci's body, especially in the position of the wound.