Nan Yu takes out the medicinal wine prepared by Qiao mofeng, and pours it on Qiao Tianci. As soon as he lights the fire and is ready to throw it on, Qiao Tianchang takes it away.

"No matter what he did, he's my brother, my brother. I won't let go of any of those people, none of them." Qiao Tianchang looks at the cold voice of Qiao Tianci whose body is gradually swallowed.

Nanyu stood beside Qiao Tianchang: "in fact, the eldest brother has a good physical fitness, but he was put a very strange thing in his body and cultivated these insects, so that his life expectancy is constantly shortened."

Looking at the struggling insects in the fire, Qiao Tianchang said coldly, "what's the function of these insects?"

"If you get into a person's body, you will be controlled. The reason why he just became like this is that someone controlled his body. If you don't kill him, all of us here may die." Said Nan Yu in a deep voice.

"Do you know what that is?"

Nanyu shook his head. "It's not like a bug."

"I see." Qiao Tianchang calmly watched Qiao Tianci's body burned to ashes, and then collected the ashes little by little.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang like this, Feng Xiao was worried: "is he OK?"

Nanyu shook his head. "It's OK."

"He's all right? Are you sure you're right? " Fengxiao looks at Nanyu with some dissatisfaction.

Lei An glanced at Qiao Tianchang and said, "Nanyu is right. We only saw such a boss once, which is ridiculous. That time was also because of Qiao Tianci, because he was missing. When the boss stood in the place where he was missing, his expression was like this. No, it's more terrible now."

"When the boss is angry, his expression will become calmer and calmer. At this time, he is the most terrible." Nanyu pressed her lips tightly, and said after a long time.

Feng Xiao glanced at Qiao Tianchang and nodded: "I think so, too."

After collecting the ashes, Qiao Tianchang put his hand on it and gently stroked: "let's go."

"Tianchang, are you really OK?" Feng Xiao walked beside Qiao Tianchang and asked with a frown.

Qiao Tianchang turned his head to look at fengxiao, but his eyes didn't stir: "it's OK, don't worry."

Feng Xiao wants to be rude, don't you worry? He looks like this, can you not worry?

"Can I not worry about you like this?" If Joe Tianchang shows his emotions, he doesn't worry. He's afraid that Joe Tianchang is like this now. There's no expression on his face, even his eyes don't fluctuate. It looks like he has no desire and no demand.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at fengxiao and said, "I have Yao Yao's mother and son. What can I do?"

“……” Feng Xiao is choked by Qiao Tianchang. Can this guy not be so annoying?

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Ryan might have just laughed.

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang gloomily: "I'm worried for nothing."

There was a smile in Joe's calm eyes, but it soon disappeared.

Standing at a high place, looking at this place, it's full of the smell of blood and some pungent smell of gunsmoke.

"How many bombs do you have in your hands?" Asked jo in a calm voice.


"Throw it all down and blow up this place, and then burn it." Such a place can't be kept.

"Blue shed eyelid beat:" all

"Well, all." Qiao Tianchang nodded.

Qingliu shrugs, waves and tells people around him to drop the remaining bombs.

Just one bomb can deafen, let alone 20 together.

Twenty of them really flattened the town, but at this time, I don't know where they came from.

"Not one."

"Yes." They looked at each other. They thought they had been cleaned up. But now there are still people.

They dare not go to see Joe Tianchang's expression. They are afraid of being kneaded to death.

Qiao Tianchang ignored them, just squinting at the front, with some thoughtful in his eyes.

"Tianchang, how did you find out?"