"Come on, although the market is like a battlefield, I can play in the market, but the battlefield I think it's better to let me die. " Said wind erosion with a sad and indignant face.

Xiao Zitian looked at the wind erosion and said, "so you can't compare with Ning Mengyao."

"I didn't say I wanted to compare with her. I couldn't compare with her. She is really powerful, whether in the market or in the battlefield." Wind erosion know that although things in the border city, there is no mention of ningmengyao.

But from their respect for ningmengyao, we can see how high ningmengyao's prestige is in the army. It can be seen that ningmengyao's means are convincing to all.

"You are right. Shopping malls, battlefields, and Ning Mengyao are all playing around."

"By the way, it's said that they will come back later. It's said that there is a little girl in the middle who has been in the mainland all the time." Said the wind erosion suddenly.

Xiao Zi nodded: "I have received the news. I have been waiting for this day for a long time." Xiao Zitian said with a smile.

He can't wait to see Xiao Mu and Qiao mo.

After returning to the general's mansion, Qiao Tianchang, regardless of other people's reactions, directly took ningmengyao who was still talking to Yufeng about things.

Look at the books falling on the ground, and then look at the door where there is no trace.

"What's the matter with him? Are you stimulated? " They have never seen Joe Tianchang like this.

No matter how long Qiao Tianchang left home before, as long as Ning Mengyao was doing something, he would be waiting. What's the matter today? Let them feel that if this person has been changed, they will take him away when they come back.

"Something happened." Feng Xiao said in silence for a moment.

At the same time, people in the study put their eyes on Feng Xiao: "what do you mean by that? What's going on? "

"Tianchang met his brother there and killed him by himself." Feng Xiao said helplessly, and then told everyone what happened there.

After listening to Yufeng, they frowned tightly: "is it OK that day?"

"Do you think he looks like he's ok?" Feng Xiao didn't take a good look at Yufeng.


"After the death of Qiao Tianci, he didn't have much expression in his internal injury, not only no expression, even no eye movement. If it wasn't for Mengyao, I would think he would do something." Yufeng spread out his hands and said helplessly.

"Then let's see him." Said Muchen.

"Don't go now. There will be nothing wrong with Mengyao." On the way back, he said that he just wanted to stay by Mengyao's side and do nothing.

Muchen thought about it a little bit. Qiao Tianchang liked to stay with Yao'er as long as something happened before.

"Then we'll find someone tomorrow."


Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang in front of her: "what happened?"

"Let me lean on you and tell you later." Qiao Tianchang buries his head in ningmengyao's shoulder socket, and says it is stuffy.

Ningmengyao frowned, with obvious worries in her eyes: "OK."

Holding Qiao Tianchang's hand, he takes people to the side of the soft cave and sits on it. Ning Mengyao sits on the soft cave. Qiao Tianchang leans on her leg, hands around her waist, eyes closed.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang's appearance, Ning Mengyao's eyebrows tightly wrinkled up. What happened to him in the end, which made his mood look like this.

He reached out and stroked Qiao Tianchang's cheek. Maybe he was too comfortable to be around Ning Mengyao. Qiao Tianchang soon closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When they came to Muchen, they saw that Ning Mengyao was reading with one hand on Qiao Tianchang's cheek and the other hand holding a book.

"Is Xiaoyao OK?" Muchen asked in a low voice.

Ning Mengyao shook his head gently: "I don't know, he didn't tell me what happened, he fell asleep, he was probably really tired." Otherwise, they would not sleep so hard in the morning.

In addition to the four children, and her side, even if she slept very well in the room, she was also around. As long as someone came in, he was able to find it in a flash. But now when they came in for a while, Joe Tianchang's breathing was still so smooth, which only shows one problem, that is, he was really tired.

Muchen nodded: "then let him rest for a while. What can I do for him when he wakes up?"
