"Then we'll go out first and leave him alone." Muchen said in a low voice.

They all know that Joe Tianchang has a high vigilance. He is not awake yet. He is probably too tired. He may wake them up later.

"Well, you and your brother-in-law will have a look at what we talked about in the morning, and there will be wind erosion there. We will have a further negotiation." Qiao Tianchang is like this. She has no mind to pay attention to so many things. She can only arrange everything.

"Don't worry, just accompany Tianchang in peace. These things are for us." Muchen nodded and left with her.

Ning Mengyao is a little relieved. She looks down at Qiao Tianchang and kisses him on the face. Then she continues to read.

It wasn't until that night that Joe Tianchang opened his eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Ning Mengyao holding the book and reading it again: "how long have I slept with Yao Yao?" Just woke up Joe Tianchang's voice some hoarse, also some low, but very good.

Ning Mengyao put the book aside: "wake up? Not long, just three hours. "

"I slept so long?" Qiao Tianchang rose from the soft collapse, reached out to Ning Mengyao and rubbed his legs: "is it hard?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Qiao Tianchang reaches out and points out Ning Mengyao's nose: "how can it be ok? You can't move your feet, can you? "

"I'm fine, but what happened to you today? What happened? " Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang worried and frowns tightly. His state today is really not right at all, as if he is very depressed.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and puts his arm around her, buries his head in her shoulder socket. Hearing the familiar question on Ning Mengyao, Qiao Tianchang says in a deep voice, "I killed my twin brother myself."

Ningmengyao was stunned and subconsciously turned around: "do you have a twin brother? How can I not know? "

"The man disappeared when I was 14, and we all thought he was dead." Qiao Tianchang said with a wry smile, with some helplessness in his eyes.

Ning Mengyao frowned and intuitively told her that things were not as simple as Qiao Tianchang said: "what's going on?"

Qiao Tianchang holds ningmengyao and tells ningmengyao what happened. At last, he whispers, "if Yaoyao can, I really hope he can survive."

After hearing Qiao Tianchang's words, Ning Mengyao suddenly understood how he could become like this. If it was her, it would be a good place to go. After all, it was her own brother.

"Without Qiao Tianci, you and me, and feng'er and their brothers and sisters, we will always be with you." Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said seriously.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded, "well, I know, I know all about it."

Holding Qiao Tianchang's cheek, Ning Mengyao looked at him: "I allow you to be sad, but not too long, I don't want to see you like this, my Qiao Tianchang shouldn't be like this."

Qiao Tianchang is amused by ningmengyao's words. What is to allow him to be sad.

Reach out and touch Qiao Tianchang's smiling eyes: "now it's so good, I still like the way you are."


"They are worried about you, too." Ning Mengyao looked up at Qiao Tianchang and said softly.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "well, let them worry. Go to find them tomorrow. After feng'er gets married, let's go to the snow area to have a look, shall we? Aren't you curious about it? We'll have a look then. "


She likes and yearns for snow.

They said, Qiao mofeng had come to call Ning Mengyao for dinner. Seeing Qiao Tianchang wake up, they hurriedly went over: "Dad, you wake up? Is it all right? "

"I'm fine. I'm worrying you."

"It's OK. Let's go to dinner, mom and dad. They are waiting for you."