Yufeng's face changed. Looking at his daughter-in-law, he had a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth. He suddenly found that they had done something very stupid.

"Why are we so stupid?"

"It's right to know stupid." Qiao Tianchang clapped his hands and said at will.

Yufeng and Muchen look at the past and find that fengxiao is also killed by seckill.

"You are not a human being."

Lei An and Nan Yu look at each other, and Lei An says gloomily, "the boss is usually not a man."

"Haha, Ryan is right." Yufeng laughs.

"Think I'm kidding you? At the age of 14, the boss chose 20 local teams on his own, and each other's strength is much higher than him. " Ryan said angrily.

Yufeng and Muchen look at Qiao Tianchang at the same time: "how did you do it?" It's all a battle between the weak and the strong, or a pair of twenty.

"I didn't tell you. My favorite thing is melee?" Only the scuffle can give full play to his advantages. What should be done should be multi eyed.

Yu Feng thought of their current situation and their eyes twitched: "you don't have to say, we already know that."

"Just know."

Qiao Tianchang walks around Ning Mengyao and looks at her: "how is it?"


"That's necessary."

At this time, the man who was knocked down by Joe Tianchang really wanted to do it again. Could this man not be so stupid? This makes them feel like killing gods and becoming cute. It's too disobedient.

Feng Xiao got up from the ground and looked at Qiao Tianchang in disgust: "Tianchang you look like this, do your soldiers know?"



"When I first came here, the eldest brother and his sister-in-law went to the barracks. At that time, you didn't know how much jaw you had lost." At that time, Ryan felt very funny.

"Tianchang, you are powerful." In addition to using such words to express their emotions, Yufeng really don't know what to say.

Qiao Tianchang's expression was calm. He didn't feel embarrassed at all: "I'm flattered."

The wine was also drunk, and the fight was also fought. Until midnight, all the people left, as long as the bustling atmosphere was left behind.

Ningmengyao holds Qiao Tianchang back and looks at the person lying on the bed with a light smile on the corner of her mouth: "how about Tianchang?"

"It's OK. Really, I know what they mean. I just want to let out all the depression in my heart. Yaoyao, I'm very glad to have their friends and you around me." Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and said seriously.

The smile on Ning Mengyao's face became more and more gentle: "that's good."

"It worries you."

Reach out to clap Qiao Tianchang's shoulder: "go to wash quickly."

"Together." Said directly to pick up the person.

Qiao Tianchang looks at ningmengyao, who is sleeping in her arms. Her cheeks are slightly red, her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and her lips are a little red and swollen. At a glance, she knows what happened just now.

Bowing his head and kissing on the lips of ningmengyao, Qiao Tianchang whispered, "my wife has a good dream."

I don't know if Ning Mengyao in her sleep has heard this. Her frown has been loosened and her mouth has a little smile.

Looking at her sleeping so fragrant, Qiao Tianchang's face with a light smile, closed his eyes, hugged Ning Mengyao and fell asleep soon, even though he only slept for a long time in the daytime.

When Ning Mengyao woke up the next day, Qiao Tianchang was still sleeping with his eyes closed. He got up quietly and went out. Ning Mengyao went out and found that she was too late today. She and Qiao Tianchang both missed breakfast.

When Ning Mengyao was going to make some food, he heard Qiao mofeng say that the wind erosion came.

"Feng'er went to the kitchen and ordered him to prepare some food for your father."


Ningmengyao went to the front and saw the wind erosion sitting there in a white dress.

"Mrs. Joe."