Ningmengyao nodded: "sit down, how have you thought about it?"

"Wind erosion nods:" already thought, you said the treaty we can accept

"In that case, I'll ask someone to take you to the workshop later. I don't think you will be disappointed." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"Wind erosion looked at Ning Mengyao's expression very seriously and said:" even if I don't see it, I don't think I will be disappointed

"You're so confident?" Ning Mengyao asked with some amusement.

Wind erosion shook his head: "I'm not confident, but I believe that madam you, tongbaozhai products must be fine, no matter what it is."

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded: "your eyes are very good."

The wind erosion first froze for a while, and then couldn't help laughing. I have to say that the affinity of the person in charge is really too strong, so people can't help getting close.

"Here comes the little Yao?" Yu Feng came in from the outside and asked.

Ningmengyao nodded: "yes, it has come. How are you doing there?"

"Not so much. I just got up from bed and now my head is still dizzy." Yu Feng rubbed his forehead and said helplessly.

Ning Mengyao looked at Yu Feng funny and said, "let you drink so much wine last night."

"I can't be happy, but what about Tianchang? He drinks more than we do. " Yesterday, although Joe Tianchang had no problem when he left at last, he was really worried because of their strong drink.

"He? He's still asleep, not up. "

Yu Feng nodded: "take more rest."

"Well, I know."

Wind erosion looked at them as if they were alone, and suddenly felt that their heart was blocked. They were somehow afraid of his feelings as an outsider.

"Oh, the wind is coming?" Yu Feng looked at the wind erosion sitting on one side and blinked.


Yufeng twisted his neck: "come on, I'm going there. I'll take you there."

"Thank you then." Said the wind erosion.

Looking at Yufeng leaving with wind erosion, Ning Mengyao suddenly felt that he was too deliberate, right?

According to Yufeng's character, if he is not comfortable, he will definitely sleep until he is happy, even when he is awake.

Ning Mengyao shakes her head helplessly. Her brother-in-law is really so. She doesn't know what to say.

Without anything to do, Ning Mengyao naturally had to go back to her room. When she went back, Qiao Tianchang woke up and lay in bed without knowing what she was thinking.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Qiao Tianchang turned to see Ning Mengyao coming in from outside: "what's the matter?"

Ningmengyao gently shook her head: "the wind is coming, I was going to take him to the workshop to have a look, but my brother-in-law robbed me of my business, so I have nothing to do."

Smart as Joe Tianchang, how could he not know what to do to resist the wind?

Sitting up from the bed, naked upper body, many scars, several are very close to the heart.

Although these scars were a long time ago, ningmengyao still felt heartache every time she saw them.

Aisle to one side to help Joe Tianchang took the clothes and handed them: "get up."


Joe mofeng originally came to find Joe Tianchang for something today, but he didn't disturb when he was still resting.


"What can I do for maple?"

"Well, there's something I need your help with." Joe mofeng said sheepishly.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right back." Joe Tianchang went to wash and wash for a while. When he saw the food on the table, he ate it casually and left with Joe mofeng.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and his son who are leaving in a hot and stormy way. They shake their heads helplessly and go to the study after eating a little.

Suddenly, Ning Mengyao sighed helplessly: "if you want to come, go to the gate. Why do you like climbing walls so much? Is this the corner you want to hear? "

Just arrived Xiao Zi to look for an instant speechless, so quickly was discovered? But think of Ning Mengyao's identity. It would be strange if he was not found.

With cloud zero they came down from the roof and looked at Ning Mengyao coming out of it: "I just want to ask when Qiao moshang and Xiao Mu will come back."
