Ning Mengyao looked at the speech in front of her head and said, "you are here to ask?"


"Then why don't you come with the wind erosion?" Ningmengyao looks at Xiaozi and asks.

Mingming wind erosion just left. It's not impossible to come together. How can we use this method?

Xiao Zitian frowned for a moment and then said, "I can't come with him. The Xiao family will know."

Ning Mengyao thinks that she really can't talk to this man.

"Why do you go on the roof?"

"Convenient..." Xiao Zi looks for a stuffy word.

Cloud zero and cloud can't help but cover their faces when they see Xiao Zitian like this. Can their master not be so shameless? It's a matter of course to say so, and it's quite reasonable.

Ningmengyao reached out his hand and rubbed his forehead: "don't do such a thing again. If you want to come in through the gate, the general's office is not so close."

He can come in this time, because the guards are still the people before him, which needs to be changed into people he doesn't know. Does he think he can be so relaxed?

"Oh, I see. When will they come back?" Xiao Zi nodded to show that he knew.

"Feng'er came back before he married. You can wait slowly." Ning Mengyao shrugged and said casually.

Xiao Zitian frowned: "there are still two months left."

"Well, what are you doing?"

"It's OK. I'm just curious." Xiao Zitian shook his head and said calmly, but his calmness made Ning Mengyao speechless.

Xiao Zitian probably also found that he had come to someone else's house like this, which seemed not right, and then he dropped a sentence: "I'm leaving." Then I left the roof.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zixun who was leaving. Then he looked at the two guards in front of him: "has your master always been so headstrong?"

Cloud zero touched his nose, some embarrassed, don't know how to speak, and cloud one is seriously said: "our young master has caused you trouble, I'm really sorry."

"Next time let him go through the door."


Looking at cloud zero and cloud one leave, Ning Mengyao shakes her head and turns to leave.

She was able to let Xiao Zixun come in like this from the outside again and again, but it was because there was no emotion in his eyes. He came here today to really want to know when Fenger and them will come back.

Otherwise, when he was near the general's house, he would have been driven away.

Cloud one catches up with Xiao Zitian and gets depressed: "what are you doing, young master? I don't think you'll look like you when you meet that lady. "

Xiao Zitian looked at cloud one by one and threw three words: "I don't know."

Cloud one and cloud zero almost fell to the ground. They said they didn't know what to say. There should be no one else except their master?

"Young master, Mrs. Joe asked you to go next time. Go to the gate instead of the roof." Said the cloud.

"But it's more convenient to walk on the roof." Xiao Zitian frowned.

When did their master become so stupid and cute? It's frightening to be able to say such a thing.

"If you do, you will bring troubles to others, and the guards of the general's mansion..." For their own masters, every once in a while, they will fall into such a stupid and cute state. Yunzero has been able to be very calm.


Seeing that Xiao Zitian finally agreed, yun02 was relieved, as long as they didn't go to trouble any more.

"Before Jomo Shang and Xiao Mu come back, I should not go again." So the chances of going to the roof or the gate are very small.

“……” Cloud zero and cloud looked at Xiao Zitian in depression at the same time. They talked about their feelings for a long time, but people didn't listen at all.

No matter what they were thinking, Xiao Zitian didn't care. He just looked at them and went to one side. He didn't know what they were thinking.

Cloud zero and cloud look at each other: "what's wrong with you, young master?"

"It feels weird." Xiao Zitian frowned and said.

Cloud zero nods, en, can feel strange, that is normal, if this does not feel, that is just abnormal.