Xiao Zitian looked at the two people and frowned tightly. How could he think their expressions were strange?

"What are you two thinking?" Xiao Zi asked with a frown.

Cloud zero sighed heavily in the heart, master son can not say such words at this time? It gave him a sense of deep shock.

Seeing that both of them didn't speak, Xiao Zitian didn't continue to ask. He just looked at the people beside him, frowned and asked, "wind erosion seems to have gone to the workshop outside."

"Yes, he has reached a cooperative relationship with Mrs. Qiao. What's the matter with you when you go to the workshop today?"

"No, I'm thinking about how those people who are always hostile to wind erosion will react when they know about it. I think they will be very happy, right?" Xiao Zitian said with a playful face.

Cloud a silence for a while, then very serious mouth said: "they will not be happy."

"Cloud one, what if they plan to grab the things in the hands of wind erosion? Do you think they will suddenly be very happy? " Xiao Zitian laughed sarcastically.

Yun Yi looks at Xiao Zitian in silence. Well, their master has become normal again, otherwise he will not say such words.

"If so, those people will be happy." Cloud as if have thought of say.

We need to know that the wind erosion has now reached a cooperation with tongbaozhai. Those people can have a very solid relationship with tongbaozhai as long as they take control of it. At that time, it is not impossible for them to do anything.

"It's just that the wind erodes that kid. They'll lose, won't they?"

"Young master's subordinates want to ask you a question. You have said so much. What are you trying to say?" Cloud zero very speechless look at their this master, say of this words, how to look like is calculating a person?

"When the wind comes back, let him come to me." Xiao Zitian frowned and said.

Those who are always looking for trouble of wind erosion have some relations with the Xiao family. If they really know that wind erosion has cooperated with tongbaozhai, they will definitely do something, which is not what he wants to see.

He has stepped in some of these businesses of wind erosion. If they were robbed, wouldn't he have nothing to make money? And it's only for investment, not for management.

There are not many such things. She can't let them happen.


At this time, the wind erosion is following the Yufeng to the second area of the workshop. After seeing the things in the workshop, all the things in the eyes of the wind erosion can become money. I don't know how big a sensation they will cause if they are taken to those people.

Seeing the wind erosion like this, Yufeng chuckled: "how about it? Are you satisfied with our things? "

You should know that there are a lot of things on the west coast. They are the only ones with no semicolon.

Wind erosion nodded: "satisfied, it is too satisfied." Said the wind erosion with eyes full of excitement.

Yufeng chuckled, "I'm satisfied. Let's go to another place now."

Wind erosion nodded, followed Yu Feng's side and walked to other places. It took most of the day for wind erosion to turn the whole workshop around. Although it was a bit like walking around, it was enough for wind erosion.

He also saw a lot of things, such as the things in the workshop, which made him really excited. You need to know that these things, if in his hands, may earn more.

"I want to take these things back as soon as possible." After reading the wind erosion, the first sentence I said to Yufeng is this.

Yufeng chuckled: "it depends on your own time. When it's convenient, you can come and pull it. It's all in stock. I'll tell you, you'd better take some things away quickly. Otherwise, when those two guys come, you'll have to wait a while."

"Those two guys?"

"Two thieves, every time they come here, our warehouse will be empty."