The wind erosion was blocked by Xiao Zi. They couldn't say a word. They may have known the news.

It's similar to what they think. Ning Mengyao and they do know, but they don't have time to deal with it now.

Now she is busy with Joe mofeng's marriage, and has no time to pay attention to it.

The marriage of Ziling and Jiangying also arrived. Many people came that day, many of whom were Jiang Ying's friends in the Jianghu.

Several of them, when they arrived at the general's mansion, gave Jiang Ying a beating directly, but no one sympathized with him.

"Jiang Ying, you damned guy, we've been worried about you for so many years. You'd better not tell us when you come out. You'll make it clear to us. If it's not because you're going to get married, will you still not tell us where you are?" When this guy disappeared, they worried for a long time, so they almost didn't find Xiao Guo in turn, but they didn't find anyone, which made them angry and worried at the same time, who knows that this guy didn't tell them when he came back.

"I'll go. You take it easy. You don't know if you slap people or not?" He is going to get married soon. Can these guys give him some face? If they have a swollen face when they get married, Joe Tianchang will not laugh him to death.

"Now you know how to face? What did you do? But you married that little girl. What about Sanniang? We dare not tell Sanniang about your marriage. " Asked the man beside, frowning.

Jiang Ying didn't take a good look at them: "you don't want to talk nonsense with me here. You want to be with her. We were together more than ten years ago. Will you wait until now? Ziling is very good. You will know it after a long time. Besides, we have children. You should stop saying these words later. I don't want Ziling to misunderstand anything. "

"I'll go. How fast are you?" This kid has it. Do you want to go that fast.

"Don't be so envious."

Looked at Jiang Ying contemptuously: "but how do you know Qiao Tianchang? The relationship is so good. "

"I haven't known each other for more than ten years. I have been arrested by him. I came out because of his son. This is Yuanyuan, too." Jiang Ying couldn't help laughing.

But it's also because they're here now. He's very satisfied.

"Who are Jiang Ying When several people were talking, Ziling came in from the outside and saw Jiang Ying talking with others. He asked curiously.

"They are my former brothers and have a good relationship. This is my daughter-in-law Ziling."

"Hello, sister-in-law." Several people hurriedly said hello, and then looked at Jiang Ying. This guy is eating tender grass in the old cow. How can he eat tender grass.

"Hello, there's someone outside Jiang Ying looking for you."

"Well? Who? "

"A woman said she had something to ask you." Ziling said with a frown.

Jiang Ying looks at the people on the edge. They all feel speechless. Isn't Sanniang coming?

"Let's go and have a look."


Sanniang stands at the gate of the general's mansion and looks at Jiang Ying coming out of it. Just as the smile on her face appears, she sees that Jiang Ying has a girl on her back. Jiang Ying hugs her waist carefully for fear of any accident.

"Jiang Ying, you really want to get married. What am I?" Sanniang looks at Jiang Ying and says with self mockery.

Jiang Ying turns to look at Ziling. Seeing that she still has a smile on her face, she suddenly doesn't know what she is thinking.

"Purple spirit I......"

"I believe you." When Jiang Ying wanted to say something, Ziling looked at Jiang Ying and said seriously.

If she doesn't believe him, why the wedding?

As soon as Jiang Ying heard this, he immediately felt relieved and pinched her hand: "believe me, this is what I used to know. We are the youngest. But we all call him Sanniang."

"Well, then invite someone in." Purple Spirit said with a smile.

"Well, Sanniang, come in first. Let's talk about it later."