Sanniang looks at Jiang Ying. No, she should be looking at the purple spirit around him. She really doesn't know what Jiang Ying likes about her.

Is it because she is young? But is Jiang Ying such a person who pays attention to appearance? No, Jiang Ying is not. She thinks she's not bad, but why is she treated like this? She's really reconciled.

Jiang Ying glanced at Sanniang and said, "don't look at Ziling like this. If you have something to say, go inside."

Sanniang silently nods and follows Jiang Ying in behind them. She really wants to know what Jiang Ying is after this woman and wants to marry her.

Ningmengyao and their eyebrows wrinkled slightly when they looked at the woman: "can I ask what happened?"

"I'll take care of it." Jiang Ying didn't answer Ning Mengyao's words, but he also told Ning Mengyao his seriousness and determination.

Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at Jiang Ying, then nodded, "this is the best way."

Ziling looks at the people on the side with a smile: "I believe in Jiangying."

Ning Mengyao sighed: "come on, I won't be a bad guy here, so I don't need to be like that."

Ziling smiled and went to take Ning Mengyao's hand: "I don't mean Mengyao. I know you are worried about me, but I believe in him. Isn't trust the most basic thing about feelings?"

If they can't even trust, what future can they talk about? Don't talk about anything.

Ning Mengyao smiled at Ziling and said, "you are right. You believe him. Let's listen to him."

Jiang Ying is very grateful to Ziling for her trust.

While appreciating, he also felt that he could not fail the trust of Ziling.

"What do you want to ask, Sanniang, just say it." Jiang Ying did not beat around the Bush and asked directly.

"Where is she better than me, that's how you want to be with her?" Sanniang looked at Ziling and asked unwillingly.

This woman, like an ordinary person, how can Jiang Ying like such a person?

"This can't be used for comparison. You're very good. I know, but you're not suitable for me, and Ziling is different. Although she is a bit headstrong and mischievous sometimes, I feel very happy with her. I don't need to think a lot every day. The time to quarrel with her is over. I like this kind of life." Thinking of the days with Ziling, Jiang Ying's face is full of warm smiles.

From the time they realized that now, although they had quarrels and misunderstandings, this was the real life for him.

Sanniang likes him very much, which he knows, but he feels unable to respond to Sanniang's feelings.

"What about me? Is everything we used to be nothing? " Sanniang asked excitedly.

Jiang Ying looks at Sanniang and says, "once? Sanniang, I never promised you anything. I told you at the beginning that it's impossible for us. You can meet better people and don't waste time on me. They all know these words, don't they? "

Sanniang's face is slightly white, and her face is also very ugly: "Jiang Ying, I want to ask, have you really not liked me?"

"No, I treat you like a brother or a sister. You take too much interest in me. You are obedient to me. What I want is a wife, not a person who is obedient to me. No matter what I do wrong, you will think I am right. I don't need it." Jiang Ying's words are not very pleasant, but this is the truth.

What he wants to do, Sanniang will not only agree, but also insert a foot in it, even killing people.

He wants to kill people. No matter who she kills, she will hand over the knife at the edge. He doesn't like this unchanging life. If he is really with Sanniang, he will get tired of it one day.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you that my life with you will be like a stagnant water, but it's not the same with Ziling. She let me know what the real life is like. I will quarrel with her, and there will be conflicts, and there will be all kinds of things happening, but this makes me feel that I'm alive."