Sanniang hears Jiang Ying's words and feels that her heart is dripping blood. She looks at Jiang Ying and says, "you want to say that there is no fun with me, right?"

"That's what you want to say. Yes, we won't quarrel. Even if I'm wrong, you will bear it. Have you ever thought that this is not what I want at all? If so, why don't I find a servant girl? They will be obedient to me. " Jiang Ying's words are hard to hear, but they are true.

Sanniang stepped back and said, "I am like a servant girl in your heart?"

"You can think that, too." Jiang Ying said coldly.

Sanniang looks at Jiang Ying and laughs at herself: "I really don't know how much I have paid, but this is what I finally got."

Ning Mengyao took a look at Jiang Ying and then looked at Sanniang: "you paid right, but you did wrong things."

"Wrong? What's wrong with me? Is it wrong that I like someone? "

Ning Mengyao glanced at Sanniang and said, "it's right to like someone, but it's not a humble plea. It's mutual, not a humble one, who can get it. You like Jiang Ying. It's right, but you don't have the right mind. You think that if you do everything for him, he can accept that you love you."? It's a heavy burden to say that you like it so much and don't listen well. "

"You talk nonsense." How could her liking become a heavy burden? This woman is talking nonsense.

"Your love is too humble, you are too heavy, you will think what I said is too cruel, but love is like this, love is selfless, but you are not, after you do so much, you will think that you have done so much for Jiang Ying, but he has not done anything for you, now it is more to marry other women, even after a few months, there will be children, you will think of him I'm sorry. He's a heartbreaker. Am I right? " There are many people like Sanniang. She doesn't think they will be pitiful, but she thinks that there must be something hateful about them.

Sanniang's body is slightly stiff. When she knew Jiang Ying was going to marry, she really thought like this. But now she is at a loss. Is she really wrong?

"Sanniang I like Ziling, not because of her appearance, but because I feel happy with her. I have seen so many feelings in the border city. I also hope I can get them. I can have my own home and children like them. I have everything now. I am really satisfied. I am different from those who used to live. Now I feel very good." His life is now peaceful and does not need stimulation. As long as Tianchang helps them when they need help, they will chat with Ziling at home or go out for a walk together at other times.

Those brothers of Jiangyin didn't expect that Jiangyin would say such words, which made them feel a little strange. Is this the same as Jiangyin they know?

Ziling goes to Jiangyin's side and reaches for his hand. There is no extra words but quiet company.

Jiang Ying looks down at the person in front of her: "I'm ok."

"I know that."

Jiang Ying laughs. That's good. He's not greedy.

Sanniang looks at Jiang Ying like this. When has she met him like this?

Suddenly Sanniang seems to understand what Ning Mengyao said. Feelings are mutual, not pay more, you can get it.

"I see. I wish you well." Sanniang felt that when she said this, her heart was dripping with blood.

Jiang Ying turns to look at Sanniang: "you will meet a better person than me."

Sanniang smiled desolately. Who is better than him? In the past ten years, her mind has been on Jiang Ying. She really loves Jiang Ying. It's not easy to forget to love someone. How can she accept others?

Jiang Ying is not talking, just standing there in silence, Ziling has a headache. What should we do in this situation?