Qiao mofeng looks at Qiao Tianchang: "Dad, are you really OK?"

"I'm fine." Joe Tianchang shakes his head. This kind of injury has nothing to do with him. He'll be fine after a while, and it won't affect anything.

Seeing Qiao Tianchang's insistence, ningmengyao had no choice but to nod her head: "well, let's go out the day after tomorrow and ask lei'an and them and poplar whether they want to go together."


On that day, they are really a bunch of people ready to play. Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao are riding on the same horse. Qiao Tianchang holds Ning Mengyao's waist and looks at Yang Zhu who is getting on the carriage.

After the preparation, Qiao Tianchang raised his whip and left first.

Riding on the horse, Qiao Tianchang looks at the man in his arms with a light smile on his face.

"Yao Yao, I won't make such a mistake again. I'm sorry." Qiao Tianchang suddenly lowered his head and whispered in ningmengyao's ear.

Ning Mengyao was stunned at first, and then smiled: "I believe you, Tianchang, let's go together, forever."


Yu Feng and they are behind, looking at Qiao Tianchang and they: "what do you say they are talking about?"

Both of them are so happy, it seems that the previous knot has been untied.

"Tianchang probably wants to understand." Feng Xiao picked up her eyebrows and said.

Although I didn't hear what they were talking about, I saw more or less. Did we go down together? It's a good idea.

People look at fengxiao, and they don't know what he is thinking.

"Fengxiao, what are you thinking?"

"They both said, go on together, forever." Feng Xiao looked at the two people in front and said with a smile.

"How do you know?"

"How to know is not important. What matters is what they say. I think this is the interpretation of all your feelings, as well as our wandering and lifelong friendship." Feng Xiao looks at the whisper in front of him.

People looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. Feng Xiao was right. No matter their feelings or their friendship, they can always support each other for a lifetime.

"Let's go, keep up with the two of them." Fengxiao is the first to catch up.

Yufeng and Muchen have a look at each other and catch up with each other, while Qiao mofeng also catches up with tea and tea.

"What are they doing?" Yang Shi looked at the people who rode the horse and ran away, and asked curiously.

"Mom is OK, you can watch them play." Lei An said with a smile that if it wasn't for Yang's presence, he would have caught up with Yang Lele.

But it's also very good. A lifetime of feelings, it's really expected.

Yang smiled and nodded, "you have such a good feeling."

"Yes, we have experienced many things together. It's a kind of sharing weal and woe. Do you spend more time here this time, mom and dad? Play here for a while and don't rush back. " Ryan looked at them and said.

"It's up to you." Yang Zhu said happily.

When he came, he thought that the border town must be very hard, but he didn't know until he came. It's totally different from what they know. This place is so good that they don't want to leave.

"His father, why don't we just be here? I think it's also very good here. " Yang turned to Yang Zhu.


Yang Yi and Qiao Shi look at them with a wry smile: "should you think about us, mom and dad?"

They are still here. How can parents dislike them to say such things?

"Big brother, are you jealous?" Ryan joked.

"What am I jealous of? But really, this place is very good, or our family will move here? " Yang Yi said thoughtfully.

This made Ryan, who was driving outside, almost fall to the ground.

"We'll be back in three or four years at most. We won't be able to stay here that long." Ryan doesn't want them to come here, but he doesn't think it's necessary. After all, they will go back one day.

"Going back?"