"Well, there are still a few years to go. We must go back to Baishan village then. The eldest brother and them will also go back. At that time, the border will be handed over to others. I may be in the capital." Ryan is also a little uncertain.

However, he knew that after the boss solved the Xiao family, he would definitely retreat behind the scenes with his sister-in-law. At that time, Xiao kingdom will be the world of the younger generation. They can only help when they need help.

"That's good." Yang Zhu said happily.

"In this case, we'll stay here for a long time this time, and we'll go back when we want to go back." Yang Zhu clapped.

Ryan nodded. "OK."

Yang Lele looked at his father and mother, and said to his brother and sister-in-law, "it's very kind of you, father and mother."

"Oh, we're not good?" Yang Yi looks at her sister and asks.

Yang Lele quickly shook his head: "how can this happen?"

After the lively chat, the front is almost the same, Feng Xiao looked at their pair, he was a lonely man, suddenly felt that he was looking for abuse.

"Do you think I'm guilty of looking for abuse?" Feng Xiao said gloomily.

"Ha ha, you know that."

In the noise, everyone finally arrived at that small mountain village. After a period of time, Ning Mengyao found that this place has changed a lot, and the houses and other things have improved a lot, which probably means that their days are getting better, right?

Xiaojuan's eyes lit up when they saw people coming in: "general, is Madame you? Come in, please. "

"General, are you here to play?" At the beginning of the tiger tiger, hurriedly ran to the excited asked.

"Yes, the border town is OK, so bring your friends here to play."

"Welcome to play."

Qiao Tianchang stayed in the village all night. The next morning, they went to the small valley. The last time they came was when peach blossoms were in full bloom, this time they came here, full of fruits.

"These peaches look good?"

"Yes, I went to pick peaches, and the hunter hurried."

Xiaojuan left after they brought people here. They are friends. They can't disturb here, can they?

Ningmengyao sits on the ground and looks like a crazy person.

"Mo, the peaches here are so big. Look at this." Tea picked a big peach, hurriedly went to Qiao Mo Feng's side, said with a smile.

Qiao Mo Feng looked at the peach in the tea hand and nodded: "it's quite big. I like to pick some back when we leave."


Reese also came along this time. She saw so many peaches and her eyes were bright: "if only my brother and they were there, and sugar sister."

"They will be back soon." Yang Lele reached for her daughter's head and said with a smile.


"Well, your brother mofeng is going to get married. They must come back. Sugar and sugar are the same. Your aunt has sent the letter."

"That's great. I haven't seen sugar elder sister for a long time. When she comes back, I will tell her that I don't need to practice martial arts now. I still can read Chinese characters and learn to play chess, calligraphy and painting." Said Reese with a smile.

Yang Lele helplessly looks at his daughter, two children of his family. The big one likes to follow Shanger, and the small one likes to follow Tangtang. When Tangtang is still here, she is the little follower of Tangtang.

Yang's children are not against it. Their children play with Ning Mengyao's children. Their children's excellence is obvious to all. They believe that their children will be very good with good children.

Ning Mengyao can't help but laugh at her: "sugar and sugar will be back in about a month. As for Doudou, they may not be able to come back until some time."

The war hall is not allowed to leave at will, this time is a special case, and only this time, and the price of their leaving is to go back and have more training.

"Really? Great. "