Ning Mengyao shows her hands and helplessly looks at Qiao Tianchang, saying that there is no way for her to do so.

Qiao Tianchang looked at those people and said indifferently, "give you three days. If you don't go in three days, don't say that again in the future."

"What happened to them..."

"There is no need for them to go home. They don't need me to do anything for them. Naturally, they can't stay in the workshop." Ning Mengyao looked at them, frowned and said, "what's the matter? You don't think we need to arrange things for people after we take them away? Where in the world is such a good thing? "

The questioner's face stiffened, and then he said nothing. It was obvious that he didn't want to bring people back.

When Ning Mengyao saw them like this, he felt very ironic. This is the so-called family. When they said they wanted to carry people back, their eyes were greedy and they had no family relationship. How could such people take them away?

"Xiaoyao's words have been made clear. What are you still talking to them about?" Said the wind impatiently.

"Brother in law, let's come. Let's go." Ningmengyao pulls Qiao Tianchang out a few steps, then suddenly stops and turns to look at those people: "you only have three days. You can come to the general's office to find us after you think about it. After three days, you can not come to us again, and you can not go to the workshop to disturb their lives."

People watched Ning Mengyao and they rode away. They had no expectation and excitement when they came. Instead, they were angry.

"How can they do that."

"It's really strange that you said that. How can they not do this, general's wife? You want to make money with bailing. Fortunately, we can all guess what you mean, let alone Madame and them. Don't think that you are smart people and others are fools. " Xiaojuan on the edge hummed and said sarcastically.

"You What does this have to do with you? Don't talk about it here in slander. "

"My slander? That's better than you. Where do you think you're going? " Xiaojuan is amused by these people. These people are really interesting. They have occupied everything. They really think that others are idiots and fools?

"Xiaojuan, what did you tell them to do so much? Let's go back. " A man came out, frowning.

"Jiang Xiaosen, didn't you go out? Why are you back? "

"I'll be back when it's done. This is what you want."

Two people said words to leave, the rest of those people look at each other, for a moment do not know how to do.

"Shall we go and get someone back?"

"We won't go if we want to pick you up. Although they haven't come back, we have been pointed out. If we come back, we won't be able to make it?" Think about those girls in the village. What's the life like? They didn't want to be stabbed to the bone.

The reason why they said such things before was because they thought that they said such things. When people come back, they go to work in the workshop, so that they can get their money without being pointed out by others. How nice it is to let them bring people back, but they are not unable to think about it. Their brains are very funny.

Some of the people on the border are hesitant and some agree with it very much.

"Hurry up if you want to go. If you want to be stabbed in the back like those families and can't stand up, you can go, and no one will stop you."

As soon as they heard about it, the family members who wanted to pick up the children all stopped thinking. They didn't want to be pointed out.

Ningmengyao hears the following people's words of return and laughs sarcastically: "how can parents in the world be so cruel?"

Although I knew before that these people were not good things, but now I hear that, Ning Mengyao still feels uncomfortable.