Yu Feng, beside Ning Mengyao, reaches for her head and pats her: "don't think so much, what has nothing to do with you, and you are not tired if you think so much?"

"My brother-in-law is right. These things are not what we want to think about. Don't think so much." Qiao Tianchang bowed his head and kissed the top of Mengyao's hair.

His wife, is so kind, for those things to make himself so uncomfortable.

"I know, but some of them are not worth it. They are all very good girls. Why should they be treated like this?" Ning Mengyao said discontentedly.

Qiao Tianchang couldn't help laughing: "there are thousands of people in the world. Are you going to let those people mean the same as us?"

"You said the same thing, but you said they really won't bother again?" If they always go to find bailing, will their life be interrupted again when bailing finally calms down?

Joe Tianchang shook his head. "Not necessarily."

"Well? What do you say? "

"What do you say? It's actually quite simple. They don't want such a disgraceful daughter, but they want to get the money in their hands. "

"So they will still come? Want bailing to give them money? " Ningmengyao felt as if she had been completely fooled. How could there be such a person.

"Don't belittle the greed of the people." Qiao Tianchang said casually.

Ning Mengyao was silent and didn't speak, but he understood Qiao Tianchang's words very well. Maybe these people were like this.

Ningmengyao frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Yao Yao, what's your good idea?" Seeing ningmengyao like this, Qiao Tianchang knew that she must have another good idea.

"Don't they want to find bailing? Then I'll let them not find anyone, OK? " Ning Mengyao said casually.

"You're not afraid of trouble?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and asks.

"Please It's a problem. " Ning Mengyao laughed, and didn't pay attention to it at all.

Looking at ningmengyao like this, Qiao Tianchang couldn't help but smile and shake his head: "you, do it yourself. Don't play too much. Those people can't stand your tossing."

"Who's upset?" Ningmengyao turns a white eye at Qiao Tianchang. How can this person talk? Is she such a person?

"Well, it's not you. Can I?"

Ning Mengyao is discontented with Qiao Tianchang. Why does he feel like a child who makes trouble for nothing?

Just like when they came, they didn't rush back. It was evening when they went back.

Just at the door, I saw Jiang Ying standing there with a black face.

"Jiang Ying, what are you doing? Is the black face ever changing? " Ningmengyao asked curiously.

"Why don't you call us when you go out to play?" Jiang Ying said.

These people are not very kind. Before that, he wanted to send people to get together with him. Who knew that there was no one there. Finally, he asked the housekeeper before he knew that they had gone out to play for several days.

"That's why you're angry?" Ning Mengyao asked in surprise.

"Don't you think it's not important enough?" Jiang Ying said.

"Jiang Ying, we are for your sake. We need to know that Ziling can't travel long distances. You are going with us. What about Ziling? She must follow, she's still carrying a baby Ning Mengyao looked at Jiang Ying and said innocently.

River shadow has no good spirit of white Ning Mengyao one eye: "you less say these grand words here, you just forget us, otherwise how could you not tell us to run?"

"We don't want to disturb your party with your good brother." Ning Mengyao bit the two words of brother very heavily, which made Jiang Ying smoke directly from the corner of her eyes. This woman is not happy if she doesn't find something, right?

"Jiang Ying, what do you think of my daughter-in-law?"