Qiao Tianchang squints at Jiang Ying, which is to say, if you dare to move my daughter-in-law, try it.

"I don't talk to my beloved wife." Jiang Ying said scornfully.

Qiao Tianchang said with a smile on his face: "thank you for your praise. Let's go, Yao Yao. Go back and have a good rest."

"Good." Ning Mengyao smiles proudly and leaves with Qiao Tianchang.

Jiang Ying suddenly felt that his teeth were hurting and his eyes were hurting.

"When can they be less sticky?" Jiang Ying said angrily.

"You wait slowly." From the time they saw Qiao Tianchang, they had been very sticky. It's been 11 or 12 years since then. It must have been the same since then. It's a problem to want them not to be sticky.

Jiang Ying looks at them with a broken face: "how can you stand it?"

"Because we have wives, we don't envy." In the morning, they laughed.

Jiang Ying choked, and Qiao mofeng took tea and came to Jiang Ying's side and said seriously, "I think it's really good for my parents to set an example for our younger generation."

Jiang Ying almost fell to the ground.

"You're not kidding, are you?" I said

"Who's kidding you? Don't you think my parents are so good? Their feelings make us hope to have the same feelings. There's nothing wrong with being a couple all one's life. It's hard not to say that you want other women after you have the wife of Ziling? " Qiao Mo Feng squints at Jiang Ying.

The suspicious appearance made Jiang Ying almost spit out his blood. Should this man be so black? Dig a hole for him to jump.

"When did I say that?"

"That's what I thought?" Tea and tea asked in a blink.

"Tea and tea make trouble." Jiang Ying said angrily.

"Jiang Ying, what do you think of my daughter-in-law?" Feng Xiao squints at Jiang Ying and asks coldly.

"I shut up, can't I shut up?" Jiang Ying looks at them speechless.

After being interrupted like this by these people, Jiang Ying forgot to come to Qiao Tianchang for a moment and said, "I forgot the business after being interrupted like that."

Yu Feng and their contemptuous look at Jiang Ying: "what can you do?"

"Yes, the day before yesterday, we caught a man. He's still closed."

"Well? Who? " Yu Feng's expression suddenly became serious and asked with a frown.

"It's like Xiao Zixun." Jiang Ying frowned and said.

When Ning Mengyao knew that Jiang Ying had caught Xiao Zitian, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, "ha ha, I told him that if you want to come, go to the gate. He won't listen. Now he's caught."

Qiao Tianchang also couldn't help laughing. He also knew about Xiao Zixun's twice entering the general's mansion. Unexpectedly, he was caught.

"Let's go and have a look." Ning Mengyao said with great interest.

After waiting for Ning Mengyao and them to leave, Jiang Ying asked doubtfully, "how can she be so happy when someone comes in?"

"Xiao Zitian is mu'er's opponent, a member of the Xiao family." Yufeng said jokingly.

When Ning Mengyao and them went to the dark prison, Xiao Zitian and his three servants were sitting in the prison without talking.

"Xiao Zitian is in front of him. I told you earlier, don't climb the wall of the general's house casually." Ning Mengyao came in and said funny.

Xiao Zi nodded: "you are right."

Cloud zero and cloud one are speechless. They really don't know what is wrong with the Lord, so they can do such things.

"Tell me, why are you here this time?" Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Zitian and asks.

Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "it's nothing. I'm here to hide."

In a word, cloud zero and cloud one or two hit each other's heads. The way of hiding is really special, master. He ran to other people's cell to hide.

"The genius of the Xiao family?" Ningmengyao had some accidents. She had received the news that people had come, but she didn't expect to come so soon.

Xiao Zitian snorted scornfully: "in front of you, a ghost, she is not qualified to call herself a genius."