"You hate that sister?" Ningmengyao asked in surprise, the disgust in this person's eyes is not too obvious.

Xiao Zitian's eyes were cold: "I have never admitted that she is my sister. Is she qualified to be my sister? A woman with a vicious mind who can't stand on the table. "

“……” Ningmengyao is slightly sad. It's really hard for this guy to say something.

"What are you doing watching me like this?" Xiao Zi's eyebrows are all wrinkled together.

"No, I'm just thinking about what Xiao Youran did to make you hate her so much." Ning Mengyao said playfully.

Xiao Zixun didn't speak, but looked at Ning Mengyao and said seriously, "you're very good here. I'll stay here for a while. By the way, I'm going out when your son comes back."

Cloud zero and cloud one are going to kneel for Xiao Zitian. Can they say such things in their cell?

Ning Mengyao turned to look at Qiao Tianchang and said, "Tianchang, why do I think our cell is actually very good?"

"I think so, too."

"Don't you agree?"

"No, you can stay if you want, but don't make trouble for me." Ning Mengyao warned.

Xiao Zi nodded: "can I have some books? Any book, or chess. "

“……” Ning Mengyao looked at the man in front of her without saying, "are you here to be a prisoner or to take a vacation?"

"No, I'm here to hide." Xiao Zitian shook his head and said earnestly.

Ningmengyao felt that she had no way to communicate with him. Instead, she looked at yunzero and said, "how did you grow up?"

Cloud zero and cloud one are a little embarrassed. How do they answer?

"Tianchang, I think the little monkey will like this guy." Ning Mengyao said playfully.

It's interesting to have such a lovely child.

"Well, let's go."

Watching the two people leave, Xiao Zixun's mouth is full of intriguing smile, which is totally different from what she just looked like.

"It's really interesting."

When yunzero and Yunyi heard xiaozitian say this, they immediately felt that their master was normal.

"What are you doing here, young master?"

"Didn't I say that? Of course, I'm here to hide. " Xiao leiran has arrived. He is looking for him these two days. He doesn't want to see that woman, so he hides here.

"But miss she..."

"Who do you think is better than Ning Mengyao and Xiao Youran?" Xiao Zi found a place to sit down and asked casually.

"Ning Mengyao." Both said at the same time.

Xiao Zi nodded: "you're right, it's Ning Mengyao. Are you really because Ning Mengyao is so simple on the surface? Xiao leisurely in front of her is to beat the stone with the egg, not self-sufficient first

"The Xiao family means to ask the young master to help her."

"Help her? Why should I help her? " Xiao Zitian sneered: "Xiao leiran I have a feud with her. "

Cloud zero and cloud have a look at each other and see helplessness in each other's eyes.

When the three men were talking, Qingxuan came here with books and chessboard, and some food.

"My wife asked me to take it."

"Thank you."

Cloud zero and cloud one look at Green Xuan, their bodies are tight, it is a state of preparedness.

Green Xuan saw two people one eye, light opening: "need not so defend, I really want to do what, you defend also useless."

"Cloud zero."

"It's the young master."

Qingxuan takes a look at them and turns to leave.

"He has too much power to hide." Xiao Zitian squinted and said.

This is their second time to see Qingxuan, which is more different from the first time. It seems that his breath is a lot of introverted.

Yu Feng and they looked at Ning Mengyao and asked curiously, "what did he come for?"

"Borrow our cell to hide." Ning Mengyao said helplessly.

"Poof." In a word, ningmengyao heard several water sprays. Seeing them like this, ningmengyao was immediately satisfied.