Wind erosion looked at Xiao leisurely leaving with a playful smile, her meaning, he can not understand it?

Xiao leiran leaves from the restaurant. After going out, he turns around and takes a look at the restaurant. Then he turns around and leaves without a trace of nostalgia.

Looking at the uninvited wind erosion, Ning Mengyao said that her head was very painful, very painful. What did these people want to do? They all came to the general's mansion one by one. What did they do when they were in the general's mansion?

"Don't worry, madam. I'm not here to hide. I just want to tell you that Xiao leiran has come." Wind erosion see Ning Mengyao with a speechless look at him, immediately very embarrassed said.


"I knew it when Xiao Zi came here. Don't you think that's too false?" Ningmengyao takes a deep breath to make herself look calm.

Yufeng and they are sitting on the edge watching the play. This kid is too funny.

“…… Yes, I forgot to find it in your cell. " Wind erosion face I just remember the appearance, let Ning Mengyao just want to cover his face, this person's performance is too fake.

"It's too fake to believe."

"Haha, OK, I'll tell you the truth. Madam Xiao leiran is a tough person. She seems to have some plans. You Be careful. " Wind erosion thought that Xiao leiran's brow slightly wrinkled, he was really worried.

Ningmengyao nodded: "I know. How did she find you?"

"I have been there. I want to give her the cooperation with tongbaozhai."

"How could she have said that?" Ning Mengyao asked in surprise.

Is such a word really said by Xiao leiran? How could she know that Xiao Youran is the same person?

"Wind erosion nodded:" I also feel quite strange, just like being changed

After the wind erosion finished, he was stunned. He looked at Ning Mengyao and his face slightly changed: "it's difficult that the man is not Xiao leiran?"

"Don't you know then?" Ning Mengyao said with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't you worry?" Wind erosion looked at Ning Mengyao like this, and couldn't help asking.

"Is worrying useful?"

She has worried about nothing but the safety of people around her, especially about business.

Yufeng and others shake their heads. Xiaoyao will be worried? Unless one of them is injured, it's almost the same.

Wind erosion can't think of looking at them: "I suddenly feel that I'm like a retarded person when I'm with you."

"You will get used to it."

Wind erosion greatly turned a white eye and said angrily, "I'd better not get used to it. I'll lose my confidence if I'm beaten several times by you."

"Then go back and do whatever you need."

"Is that the one I can look for?" Asked the wind erosion tentatively.

Ning Mengyao looks at the wind erosion with her head askew. "You come to visit the prison for your feelings?"

"Well, I can say that. I have something to talk to Xun." Wind erosion touched his nose and said with a dry smile.

In my heart, I hate Xiao Zitian, but I can't stay anywhere. I just ran to someone else's cell.

"Qingxuan takes him, but remember to take care of your mouth, understand?" Ning Mengyao looked at the wind erosion and said seriously.

Wind erosion quickly nods, makes a sealing action, and then leaves with Qingxuan at the sign of ningmengyao.

Qingxuan goes to the dark prison with wind erosion: "he is in it."

When wind erosion came in and saw what Xiao Zitian was doing, he almost fell on the ground.

"You're a very leisurely criminal." Some eat, some play, not only books, but also chess. That's enough.

He thought that this guy must have suffered a lot of grievances in this period of time. Who knows that this man has not been wronged at all, not only has not been wronged, but also has a happy life.

Isn't it just that you don't want to be happy?

Xiao Zitian sat in front of the chessboard and did not raise his head: "here you are?"

"Well, you are so leisurely. When are you going to go out?" Wind erosion sat down opposite Xiao Zixun and asked earnestly.

After Xiao Zitian put down a son, he said lightly: "after Xiao Mu and Qiao Mo come back."