"How long do you have to wait? Are you right? " Wind erosion is about to explode. This man is really in this cell. Is he used to staying?

Xiao Zitian squinted at the even game on the chessboard: "it won't be too long, at most one month, Xiao Mu they should come back."

"You know again?"


Wind erosion suddenly did not know what to say: "Xiao leisurely went to me."


"What do you mean by that?" he said

"I know. Do you think it's interesting?" Xiao Zitian finally looked up at the wind erosion, but it was like giving.

Wind erosion heavy sigh, expression very helpless: "I said you are not afraid that they will not let you out?"

"They won't."

"Well, I won't tell you this. What are you going to do about Xiao leiran? And I think Xiao leisurely is strange. " Said wind erosion, frowning.

While listening to the wind erosion, Xiao Zitian played with the chess pieces in his hand, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Do you think it will be a change of person?" When wind erosion saw that he had not seen Xiao Zitian for a long time, he was suddenly depressed. This man could not take care of him.

Xiao Zi asked for help: "you can guess that this means you have no hopeless stupidity."

"Who is stupid? No, that man is not Xiao leiran? " Asked wind erosion, frowning.


"Wind erosion mouth corners slightly twitch:" she did so why in the end

"How do I know."

Wind erosion thinks that he shouldn't come today: "can't Xiao Zi look for you seriously?"

Xiao Zitian put the pieces on the board and looked up at the wind erosion: "so what do you want to say?"

The wind erosion frustrated lowered his head and said gloomily, "you won, not enough, I'm really a little worried."

"What are you worried about?"

"What Xiao leiran wants to do, and the people of Xiao's family." Wind erosion said in silence for a moment.

"You don't have to worry about the Xiao family. You don't have to worry about the Xiao leisurely. Now you have to worry about keeping what you have in your hand and your own life."

Xiao Zixun's words, let the expression of wind erosion change so quickly that it is very cruel: "they are here to try."

He didn't come here to play these years.

"You can do it by yourself. If you can't find eleven."

"I see." Wind erosion nods.

"Now that you're here, play chess with me." Every day he plays chess with himself. He's almost out of interest.

Wind erosion despised Xiao Zitian and said, "I don't want to play chess with you. I'll beat you first. You can stay here." Said the wind erosion.

Looking at the wind erosion and leaving, Xiao Zitian stood up from the chair: "Xiao leiran, ah, such means can be used. It's really worthy of her."

"Young master, do you mean that she has changed her countenance?"

"Well, maybe it's going to be close to the general's mansion?" Xiao Zitian said with a playful face.

Cloud zero and cloud looked at each other, but did not ask Xiao Zixun. They knew that even if they asked Xiao Zixun, they would not say it.

Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao and says, "little Yao, if you have something to hide from us, hurry up and recruit from the facts."

"Brother in law, I didn't seem to do anything." Ning Mengyao said innocently.

"It's just that you didn't do anything that makes people wonder. Did you know that for a long time?" Yu Feng squints at Ning Mengyao and asks.

Ning Mengyao spread out his hand: "brother in law, you have to believe me. I really didn't do anything. As for what you said, we have all monitored it after so many things happened in the border city. What kind of people will go in and out without us knowing?"


"Xiao Youran came for tongbaozhai, but her entrance and exit are too big. And haven't you found out from Xiao Zi's attitude?" Ningmengyao looked at Yufeng and said.