Yu Feng thought about Ning Mengyao's words carefully, and then thought about Xiao Zixun's attitude. Suddenly, he was speechless: "Xiao Zixun is really that guy."

"Got it?"

"I see, but how did you find it, Xiaoyao?" Yu Feng asked curiously.

"His performance is not right, but he is a member of the same race. Is it worth him to run to the general's mansion to hide from others?"

Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao and asks silently: "you can't have calculated all this, right?"


"Then why do you agree that Xiao Zitian is here?"

"It's nothing, just to see what he wants to do, that's all." Ning Mengyao is playing with the cup in her hand, saying playfully.

Yufeng's mouth slightly twitched, and he looked at the man in front of him very speechless: "Xiaoyao, you know that xiaozitian has a purpose, do you still get people here?"

"I didn't bring people here, but people came by themselves." Ningmengyao seriously corrected.

Situ Xuan's head was dizzy. She really didn't know what they were talking about.

"Yao Yao, can you say something we can understand?" Situ Xuan looked at them and said seriously.

Yu Feng and Ning Mengyao turn their heads at the same time: "we have made it clear that you Don't understand? "

Situ Xuan shook her head sadly: "no, I didn't understand at all."

She always can't keep up with their rhythm, often they talk together, they all rely on guessing.

"I don't understand a bit, either."

“…… Nothing is important. " Ning Mengyao said helplessly.

"I don't think it's OK to see you like this."

"I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know later. I'll let you know later."


For the things that they don't understand, Merlin usually doesn't want to think, which leads to the present situation.

"Well, I said I would go to play in the snow. I don't think I have time to go." Ning Mengyao sighed heavily and said helplessly.

“……” All the people on the scene looked at Ning Mengyao with a look of contempt.

"When do you want to play?" Yufeng said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"So I'm sorry." Ning Mengyao said gloomily.

She also wanted to play around with Qiao Tianchang after Qiao mofeng got married, and come back for a year and a half.

"Look at Yao'er like this. If you go out to play, you will not come back without six months and a year."

"Sister may knows me, but I think my plan is in vain." Ning Mengyao said very dissatisfied.

They couldn't help laughing, "this is good, we like it."

"No compassion."

"What is compassion? Can I have it? "

As soon as Ning Mengyao wanted to say something, Qiao Tianchang came in from outside.

"Tianchang, are you back? How is it? " Ning Mengyao asked worried.

"Don't worry, it's all right. I've dealt with it, but you should be careful over there." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and says it's not clear.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and smiles: "I'll wait."

"Well? Why do I feel like I'm being concealed? " Yu Feng said gloomily.

"So are we, so you are not alone." Muchen shook her head and said.

He can't even guess now. Ning Mengyao's thoughts are gone.

Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao have a look at each other: "there are some problems in the barracks, although they are small problems, if they are not dealt with, they will become big problems in the long run."

"But what's the problem with Xiaoyao's side?"

"The Jane family are still alive." Joe Tianchang suddenly said a word.

Yufeng and they turn their heads to look at ningmengyao at the same time: "Xiaoyao, you haven't killed anyone yet?"

"What is killing? My brother-in-law, you speak better. " Ningmengyao didn't take a good look at Yufeng and said discontentedly.

"Well, it's my fault, but why is Xiaoyao still alive?" Yu Feng asked in a strange way.

Ning Mengyao reached out and pointed her cheek: "of course I'm fishing."

"Are they all abandoned? Fishing with them? Are you right? " Meiruolin said with a frown.

Ning Mengyao nodded seriously: "of course, I'm right. The people of the Xiao family can ask the Jane family to help take care of their children, and tell them all to the leader of the Jane family, which is enough to show that the position of the leader of the Jane family in the Xiao family is also very important."