"Now that you're here, stay. Don't leave." When Xiao Youran was about to say something, Ning Mengyao's voice came from a distance.

"Go." Said Xiao leisurely.


When Ning Mengyao arrived, Xiao leiran and they had left. When she wanted to catch up, she was stopped by several people.

At the first sight of that rigid action, we can see that these people are just puppets without thoughts.

After ningmengyao solved people quickly, Xiao leiran and they also lost their trace.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, which she didn't like at all.

"People run away?"

"Well, it's gone." Ning Mengyao nodded, with a very bad expression.

Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and patted her on the shoulder: "well, I'll be right when I leave."

Ning Mengyao turns to look at Qiao Tianchang: "I don't like this feeling."

"I know, but don't you wonder what will happen to the rest?" Joe Tianchang is just changing the subject.

It's enough that Ning Mengyao gives Qiao Tianchang a bad look and the topic is so rigid.

By the time they got back to the general's house, most of them had fainted, and the rest were no better.

"Shut up. Don't let people die." Joe said in a cold voice.


Ning Mengyao yawned: "sleepy."

"Then go back to sleep." Qiao Tianchang reached out and picked up the man, then he jumped and disappeared.

"It's insane to use lightness skills so near." The wind makes a sound, but the sound is full of laughter.

People are gone, they will not continue to stay naturally, also have left here.

Xiao Zitian looked at the person who was thrown aside, and his eyes flashed thick satire.

"I thought Xiao leiran could hold on to shangning Mengyao for a long time no matter what he said, but I didn't expect that the simple one would fail."

Cloud zero and cloud one or two people look at each other, and finally decide that they'd better not talk too much.

The next day, Ning Mengyao didn't come until noon. He followed Qingshuang Nanyu. Yufeng and his wife were so abnormal that they didn't come together. They said they were waiting for news outside.

Ningmengyao looks at Xiaozi for a look, the corner of his mouth raises a light smile, and then goes inside.

"I suddenly had a bad feeling." Xiao Zitian said something without a clue.

Ning Mengyao and his wife went to their cell, with a faint smile in their eyes: "where is xiaoleiran?"

The wake up Xiao family hummed, did not want to answer Ning Mengyao's meaning.

"Are you sure you won't tell me?" Ning Mengyao points her chin and smiles softly.

"You dream."

Ning Mengyao's eyebrows wrinkled: "do I dream? Does Qingshuang's wife have the habit of dreaming? "


"I didn't want you to do it. It seems that some people are not very grateful. In this case, then South Lantau, you know Ning Mengyao said this and stood up and went out.

Green frost speechless looked at their wife, eyes are obviously helpless.

Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao who came in from outside: "what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing. I'm just here to find the answers I need for you to play chess." Ning Mengyao stands out and says innocently.

Xiao Zitian looked up and down at Ning Mengyao for a long time, then shook his head: "I really doubt you."

Ning Mengyao sat down in front of the board: "not interested in playing chess with me?"


Ningmengyao didn't clean up the mess either. She took a look and put the white son on it.

Xiao Zitian's eyes narrowed slightly. He took a look at Ning Mengyao. Then he took the black man and began to play chess with her.

Two people's you come and I go, cloud zero and cloud one is that interest to see, they look at the opposite cell, the scene is too tragic.

When Xiao Zitian heard the voice, he glanced at it. When he saw the person opposite, he was silent. He knew where his bad premonition came from.

"It's a very interesting way for your servants to extort confessions." Xiao Zitian was silent for a long time and then said.