Ning Mengyao smiled, smiling softly: "thank you for your praise, because I also think."

Xiao Zitian's hand with the chess piece was stiff for a while, then his mouth slightly twitched: "I don't think I'm praising you."

He really can't go to see these things any more. If he goes to see them again, he's really afraid and can't eat.

"They are so gentle. Don't worry, they won't do this to you." Ning Mengyao looked at the three people and said.

"You mean it?" Xiao Zitian's eyelids kept beating.

Ningmengyao put down a son, mouth slightly hook: "how can it?"

"If you want, we can't see these things here, can we?" Xiao Zitian suddenly said.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zixun and said, "the observation is very meticulous, but don't you think it's interesting?"

"It's very interesting, but I don't want to eat without food." The appearance of those people is so disgusting that it affects their appetite completely.

Ning Mengyao was stunned, then burst out laughing: "ha ha, you look very interesting."

"I really wonder why you have such a bad idea under your gentle face." Xiao Zitian said.

"Then what's the matter with your indifferent character, which occasionally makes you stupid?" Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zitian and said seriously.

Xiao Zitian suddenly didn't want to talk to this woman. What's stupid?

"You're stupid."

Cloud zero and cloud almost lie on the ground. Do they still have such a lovely time?

"Little monkeys are coming back soon, but I'm curious. Why do you insist on meeting them?" Ningmengyao asked curiously.

Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "in fact, it's nothing. I just want to see what kind of person my opponent is."

"That's it?" Ningmengyao didn't believe Xiao Zixun at all.

"You can think that." Xiao Zitian shrugged and said casually.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zitian like this, and suddenly smiled, "you look so cute."

"Lovely? What is that? "

"Come on, take your time. I've got the answer." Ningmengyao stands up from the chair, and the chess pieces in her hands are placed in a position at will.

Watching Ning Mengyao go out and look at the chess game on the chessboard, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"What's the matter with you, young master?"

"Dead end."

As soon as cloud zero and cloud look at the chessboard, it's really a dead chess game, which has no value.

"Obviously, there are so many ways to live. Why should she leave such a game of dead chess?" Xiao Zitian murmured.

"There is another way to live in the chess game. Xiao Zitian asked me to see if you are worth it or not." Ning Mengyao's voice suddenly came in from outside.

Xiao Zitian looked at the chess game. Did he live with a thoughtful face?

However, if you want to be a chess player, you need to be able to turn the dead into the living, otherwise you can only be the chess player controlled by others.

"Can you make a living in this chess game, young master?" After seeing it for a long time, cloud didn't see where the road was.

Xiao Zi nodded: "she said there will be."

But no matter how you look at it, this chess game doesn't seem to have a way to go.

"How is it?"

"Yes, but madam, I don't think those people are there any more." Qingshuang nodded, then frowned.

Ningmengyao nodded: "it's right to find a place. Go to Nanyu personally."


After Nanyu left the dark prison, he went to Xiao Youran's residence.

When he passed by, people had already left. There was nothing valuable in it except some traces.

And the place looks like a temporary home.

After listening to the report of Nanyu, ningmengyao's mouth slightly hooks up: "it is indeed so."

Ning Mengyao stood up and went out. The smile on her face was deeper, which made Qingshuang and Nanyu a little confused. What's wrong with her.