"Sister in law Are you okay? "

"Do you think this can make me go wrong? I just think Xiao leisurely is very smart. " Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Qingshuang and Nanyu look at each other. Are they smart? What's the meaning of this?

"I'm afraid that place is just a cover. Xiao leiran doesn't live there. It's just a place where they gather temporarily." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"You already know that sister-in-law, why do you want me to see it?" Nan Yu asked strangely, isn't this unnecessary?

"If we don't, how can we make them believe that we are really cheated by them?" Ning Mengyao said with a playful face.

Nanyu and Qingshuang have a slight twitch at the corners of their mouths. Is that ok?

"What are your eyes? I don't believe it. Why is that? " Ning Mengyao looks at the two confused.

Qingshuang takes a deep breath, then looks at ningmengyao: "we don't believe you, but think that the other party may be stupid."

"Well, that's not what we should be talking about." Ning Mengyao nodded naturally.

Qingshuang suddenly feels sorry for Xiao leisurely.

"But madam, was Xiao leisurely hurt by you yesterday?" Qingshuang suddenly thought of it and asked.

Ningmengyao nodded: "well, it's not my injury, it should be backfired by her."

Qingshuang nodded clearly: "so it is?"

"Well, don't worry about this now. Shouldn't you be busy with Jiang Ying's wedding?" Ning Mengyao looked at the two men and asked.

Suddenly, the topic was transferred. Qingshuang was speechless. I don't know what kind of words to use to describe it.

"Jiang Ying should pay attention to their marriage." Ning Mengyao said lightly.

"Madame means they'll do it at the wedding?"

"You guessed it, not me." Ning Mengyao said with a smile on her face.

Qingshuang feebly stroked his forehead. Isn't it serious now?

"Well, it's no fun not to play with you." Ning Mengyao said discontentedly, turning her mouth.

"Miss, should I thank you?" Qingshuang asked.

If it wasn't for fear of Qiao Tianchang's revenge, she really wanted to break the following rules.

Nanyu reaches out to take Qingshuang and turns to leave. He is really worried that Qingshuang will continue to stay here and fight against his sister-in-law.

He can't beat the eldest brother, so it's better to take people away, save being stimulated by his sister-in-law.

Ningmengyao watched the two people leave, and their eyes flashed clear playfulness. I don't know where they were hiding? She's really curious.

When Ning Mengyao was thinking about it, Xiao leiran was in a relatively common courtyard in the city, which seemed easy to be ignored. After being backfired yesterday, he was injured by the sound of Ning Mengyao's zither. The internal injury was already serious, but now it is more serious.

"How is it?"

"They did pry open the mouths of those people and went to see the place, but they didn't find anything."

"That's good. Let's hide. Don't expose it." Said Xiao leisurely and coldly.

"It's miss."

Xiao Youran watched people go out and frowned tightly. Before, people had been saying that Ning Mengyao was so powerful that she never believed it. She thought it was just a woman. Even if she was powerful, where could she be? But now it seems that I am really a frog at the bottom of the well.

Not only is she a frog at the bottom of the well, but also despises her opponent.

This is not a good thing.

"A Ning Mengyao is so powerful. What about the others?" Xiao leiran suddenly thought of the problem.

Last night, only Ning Mengyao did it. Others didn't do it. But Ning Mengyao didn't seem to exert his strength at all

When she thought about it, her face changed. When she came, she was determined to get it. But now, after that time yesterday, she found that it was just hitting the stone with an egg.

It's no wonder that wind erosion will say that. It's an indisputable fact that she really can't compare with Ning Mengyao.