"Miss, shall we just let it go?"

"Forget it? Xiao Zixun was in the general's mansion, and wind erosion and Ning Mengyao had reached a cooperation. Now it seems that Xiao Zixun went to the general's mansion and was arrested. The purpose is to avoid me. " Said Xiao leisurely and coldly.

"But Young master, he knows his responsibility. How can he do such a thing? "

"Everyone looked down upon Xiao Zitian. They thought they controlled Xiao Zitian, so they let people come to this place, but they didn't know. Let Xiao Zitian come out of Xiao's house. It's like a fish swimming into the sea. There's no trace to trace." Said Xiao leisurely and coldly.

Someone on the side didn't understand: "what does Miss mean?"

"They think that the pieces that are firmly in their hands have jumped out of the game." Xiao leiran looked at the person on the edge, frowned and said.

Xiao Zi's ability of searching is recognized by the Xiao family. He is very powerful. He is just not favored. Because of his identity, he has everything. But Xiao leisurely knows that all this is just for her younger brother's future.

Not only Xiao Zitian, but also everything she has, will become her brother's thing in the end.

Her parents thought they were all firmly in their hands, but they didn't know that they had their own thoughts.

She didn't have to say, let alone Xiao Zitian, especially that his mind was deeper than hers.

She couldn't see what Xiao Zitian wanted to do, but she ran to the general's house by himself. Isn't he afraid that Ning Mengyao and them would kill him directly?

When Xiao leisurely thought about Xiao Zitian's thoughts, Xiao Zitian had been in front of the board for more than a day and a night.

The chess game on the board has been demonstrated by him many times, but he has not found his way.

Looking at Xiao Zitian, who looked like a madman, Yun 02 was helpless: "what are you doing, young master?"

"How could that be?"

Xiao Zitian looked at every road in the chess game, dead road, life road, dead road.

The line of sight scanned the chessboard again, and finally Xiao Zi found the so-called way of life in a corner.

Put the chess pieces in their hands one by one in that place. They all looked at Xiao Zitian doubtfully. Is it exciting, young master? That place is a dead end. Not only that, but it may make him lose even worse in the end.

However, after the time of a cup of tea has passed, they look at the chessboard in amazement. The chess game that was still dead before is still alive now?

"Ha ha, I see. I'll die later." Xiao Zitian laughed and looked at the chess game that had come alive on the board. His eyes were all bright.

He understood. He understood the meaning of Ning Mengyao. He is really the master of tongbaozhai.

"Are you OK, young master?" But why is he so happy when he has solved the chess game?

"It's OK, great."

Looking at the chess game, Xiao Zitian's smile was excited.

Cloud zero and cloud one look at Xiao Zitian with a very strange eyes. They have never seen the master laugh so happily.

"Are you stimulated, young master?" Asked Yun Yi uncertainly.

"Ha ha, Yun Yi, don't you think this game is our current state?" Xiao Zitian looked at the chess game on the board and couldn't help laughing.

Cloud zero they a Leng, looking at Xiao Zi to look for, silent did not speak.

It's true that their current situation is not very good. As long as things on Xiao's side are stable, maybe the master's life will be gone.

"Young master, do you mean that's what Mrs. Qiao gave you?" Cloud a frown, uncertain of ask a way.

Xiao Zitian nodded: "I don't want to fight for anything. What we want is very simple. But because we are the Xiao family, we have to do something involuntarily. At last, our lives may be lost in the hands of others. This is the way of death, but the way of life is also in the way of death. It depends on how we go on."