Qiao Tianchang raised his eyebrows and looked at his son: "what else do you want? If there are so many masters, you are still standing still. Are you in debt

"When I didn't say anything, Dad, I was hungry." Joe moshang really doesn't want to discuss this topic with Joe Tianchang. He is afraid that he will slap Joe Tianchang.

Although, he can definitely make it.

"It's ready to eat."

During the meal, Ning Mengyao suddenly thought of one thing: "by the way, someone wants to see you little monkey very much."


"Well, you and mu'er, they have been waiting for you in our dark cell for a while." Ning Mengyao said with a wink.

In fact, she suddenly thought of it, otherwise Xiao Zitian didn't know when to be forgotten by them.

"Who wants to see me and brother Shang?" Xiao Mu asked as she ate.

Ning Mengyao thought about it, and then with a thick banter in his eyes: "it's a More interesting people. "

"The people of the Xiao family?" Qiao moshang looks at Ning Mengyao and asks.

"Guess?" Ning Mengyao guessed about Qiao moshang. There was no accident at all.

Jomo Shang nodded, "well, I guessed, but I didn't expect that he would come so soon." When talking, Qiao moshang looks at Xiao Mu on the edge. No matter how he looks, he has a little sympathy.

"Brother Shang, why are you looking at me like this?" Why does he think brother Shang's eyes are so strange?

"It's OK. You'll know when you see someone." Jomo Shang shook his head. It's not clear now.

He just wanted to tell Xiao Mu that he couldn't speak clearly.

Xiao Mu said once, and didn't continue to ask this question. Brother Shang was right. He just listened to his brother.

After dinner, Ning Mengyao asked people to go to the dark prison to bring Xiao Zi out.

Just out of the dark prison, Xiao Zitian was not used to it.

Squint your eyes for a while to get used to the light outside.

When Qingxuan brings Xiaozi to find them, Qiao Tianchang is watching Xiaomu's training results.

Xiao Zitian squinted at the little boy. When the crowd didn't respond, the man appeared in front of Xiao Mu and gave him a hand.

Xiao Zitian didn't leave his hand, and Xiao Mu didn't, so they fought.

A child of seven or eight years old and a boy of fourteen or five years old are inseparable from each other when they meet for the first time.

Half an hour later, they didn't stop. Although their faces were sweaty, Ning Mengyao saw joy in their eyes.

When they stopped, they were already lying on the ground, unable to move.

Xiao Zitian looked at Xiao Mu on the edge and said, "you are very good."

"You too."

Two people look at each other, then smile.

In this way, the people present are confused. What are they doing?

Ning Mengyao reached out and touched her chin: "it seems that their friendship has been established."

On the edge of the cloud zero two people, with a very strange line of sight looking at lying on the ground without any image to speak of Xiao Zitian.

In their memory, their young master, no matter how tired he is, will not lie on the ground like this even if he is empty. They really saw his bold and unconstrained appearance for the first time.

"Young master's subordinates have never seen you so When you don't care about small things. " Cloud zero thought to say.

Xiao Zitian took a look at the two men and sat up from the ground. Xiao Mu also sat up beside them, with sweat on his face.

Jomo Shang took a look at them and said, "what are you doing sitting here? It's not dirty if you don't hurry to wash. "

Although Jomo Shang has been used to feeling, crawling and rolling every day, it's really impossible for him to sit in such a shapeless way.

"Oh." Xiao Mu got up from the ground and saw Xiao Zitian sitting there as soon as he was about to leave. "Come with me, can I give him a suit of elder brother's clothes?"

"Yes." Ning Mengyao gets up to get her clothes.

Xiao Zixun's clothes are generally dark, while Qiao mofeng's clothes are mostly white. In this way, Xiao Zixun feels strange wearing this clothes, especially their eyes.