"What are your eyes?" Xiao Zi asked with a frown.

"We think you look better in white, young master." Cloud zero has no head to say such a sentence.

One by one, cloud slapped on cloud zero's head. Can this fool talk.

"Your subordinates are very interesting." Xiao Mu stood on the edge and said.

Xiao Zitian turned around and looked at Xiao Mu. "I forgot to take my brain with me when I went out. I'll show you a joke."

“……” Cloud zero and cloud at the same time speechless looking at Xiao Zitian, do you have the master of your own?

"How do you dislike us, young master?"

"As long as you don't get wind, I won't dislike you." Xiao Zitian thought about it, and then said seriously.

It seems a bit humiliating for subordinates to bring them out.

Looking at Xiao Zitian, Xiao Mu finally understood why Ning Mengyao said he was very interesting.

Isn't it just fun to look at this man?

"Are they really your subordinates?"

"Yes, and your son?" Xiao Zi nodded, then looked at Ning Mengyao seriously and asked.

"Look to the side."

Xiao Zitian looked at the past along the direction of Ning Mengyao's finger, and saw that the expression on Qiao moshang's face was strange all the time.

"What's that look in your eyes?"


“……” All of a sudden, Jomo Shang didn't like this man.

Xiao Zi's brow was slightly wrinkled, and then he looked up at Ning Mengyao: "I have seen people, and I will go first."

Looking at Xiao Zitian who walked away directly, Ning Mengyao's mouth kept twitching. What was this man doing?

"I said what are you doing here? Is it hard to find Xiaomu to fight? " Qiao Mo Shang blocks Xiao Zi's way and asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No." Xiao Zitian shook his head honestly: "I just came to have a look."

Look? Does this man treat them as fools?

"Are you sure you're just coming to see it?" Jomo Shang squinted at the man in front of him and asked coldly.

Xiao Zitian was silent for a while, then nodded: "well, it's to see and confirm some things. Now that I know what I want to know, I'll go first."

Joe moshang suddenly thinks that this man is really hard to communicate. Is there any difference between what he said and what he didn't say?

Ning Mengyao and they watched Xiao Zitian leave and then saw Qiao moshang. They couldn't help laughing.

"Niang, this person is too poor to beat. How does he live to the present?" This character is so annoying. How could there be such a person? He's seen it today.

That's why I spent so long in the dark cell of general's mansion? Is he sure his brain is OK?

"Everyone has their own way of life. In fact, he occasionally gets sick, and then it will be like this." Ning Mengyao shrugged and said seriously.

Yun02, who has just left and hasn't finished how far, hears ningmengyao's words and turns to look at ningmengyao at the same time. Don't say it even if you know it, madam.

What's more, you can say it. I'll wait for them to leave. Is it really good to say such things in front of others?

Ning Mengyao looked at them with a smile on her face, with a light brow and a smile on her face. "Do you have any opinion?"

The two turned their heads and left. They moved quickly. That made Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing. This man was so interesting and funny.

After people left, Qiao moshang went to Ning Mengyao's side: "Mom, how do I think they are here to make fun?"

"What are they doing here? They will soon know. Xiao Zitian is sure to come back." According to this understanding, Ning Mengyao fully believes that Xiao Zitian will come back.

Jomo Shang frowned: "I don't want to see him again."

"Yes." Xiao Mu nodded.

Everyone's eyes were on Xiao Mu: "didn't you have a good relationship with him just now? Now how... "

"Aunt, I may have been here It's going to be crazy. "