Xiao Zitian was taken to their study by Qiao moshang. During the period of waiting for Xiao Mu, Qiao moshang always looked at Xiao Zitian. His eyes were a little picky.

"We are enemies, will you come to us so openly?" Qiao moshang looks at Xiao Zitian and asks.

"It's very good, so that I can know more about my opponent. In fact, I'm more looking forward to the meeting in two years. Xiao Mu is very good. I think you will leave after Joe mofeng's wedding?" Xiao Zitian looked at Qiao moshang and asked seriously.

"That's right."

"I will go back to Xiao's house after you leave. I will start to prepare for the war in two years. I hope you will not let me down." Xiao Zitian said with a light smile on his face, looking at Qiao moshang.

Qiao moshang picked up his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Zixun in front of him: "actually, I think you are also very good, not as annoying as those Xiao family members."

"Should I say it's my pleasure?" Xiao Zi asked for fun.

Jomo Shang is not a good provoker either. He said directly, "if you want to say it, I don't mind."

"Jomo Shangyou are very special. To be honest, I really envy Xiao Mu." Xiao Zitian took a deep breath and said suddenly.

"What can I envy about Xiaomu?" Aren't they all the same?

"You don't understand, I am in the Xiao family, but what the emperor star brings to me. I was thrown out at the age of three and need to survive by myself. Xiao Mu is different. Although Xiao Mu was as hard and tired as I was at that time, it is different that he loved his father and your brothers who accompanied him. Not only that, but also your parents and their group I have no support. I can only live on my own. " Xiao Zitian also didn't know why he wanted to talk to Qiao moshang about this, but he wanted to talk about it all of a sudden.

"My mother said that if God closes one door for you, he will surely open another door for you." Said Jomo Shanggou.

"Maybe you are right, because I also have friends. Although not many, they are brothers and friends to me." Most of the time, they get along with each other just like I do, as long as I have nothing to do, I will fight and make trouble.

Jomo Shang shrugged: "isn't that right? Since you have friends, cherish them. In fact, if you want to, it's nothing to leave Xiao's house. What are you doing there? "

"I can't leave now." If he can leave now, he has already left. Will he wait until now?


"How can I be reconciled before I destroy the Xiao family by myself?" Xiao Zi said coldly.

Qiao moshang looks at Xiao Zixun unexpectedly: "you don't want to join hands with us, do you?"

"That's not true. I'm looking forward to a fight with you. How can I join hands with you? It's just not clear what I will do after I fight with you. After all, this is the future, isn't it? " Xiao Zi asked for fun.

Jomo Shang immediately understood that this man was going to use the Xiao family to fight with them and then deal with them.

"They know they'll hate you."

"Oh, they don't hate me. After all, I have taken the place of their precious son." Xiao Zitian said with a sneer.

When they were chatting, Xiao Mu came in from outside: "brother Shang."

"Well, you can play chess. I'll wash it. Xiao Zitian will have a good time to relax. If you're OK, you can come and play with us." Xiao Zixun's encounter with him is actually quite that. If you can help him now, you can help him, although it's not a help.

"Are you sympathizing with me?" Xiao Zitian squinted and said.

"No, you're wrong. I'm not sympathizing with you. I just feel that only knowing myself and the enemy can win every battle." Jomo's sad steps stopped, and he said with a smile.

“……” Xiao Zitian looked at Qiao moshang, first speechless, then hissed, "then I'll thank you."

"You're welcome."

Xiao Mu looks at them strangely: "what are you talking about with brother Shang?"

"Nothing. Say you're lucky." Xiaozi looks at Xiaomu with a smile. The smile on his face is very obvious.