After listening for a long time, I felt that I couldn't understand what they were talking about.

"He's just admiring you." Qiao Mo Shang looks for Xiao Zi and says casually.

Envy? This next Xiao Mu is strange: "what am I worth his admiration?"

They should be the same, right? There is nothing to envy.

Looking at Xiaomu like this, xiaozitian suddenly smiled: "Xiaomu, not everyone has you so lucky."

"Lucky?" Xiao Mu thought about his experience carefully, then nodded: "I'm really lucky, not everyone has his good luck, right?

Looking at him like this, Xiao Zitian could not help smiling and shaking his head: "cherish everything in front of him."

Xiao Mu nodded and said, "of course I know. You don't have to say that, but this is what you envy me?"

"No?" Xiao Zi looks up at Xiao Mu.

Xiao Mu was silent for a long time, then nodded seriously: "of course."

Xiao Zi didn't speak again, but looked at the front. His mood seemed sad.

Xiao Mu shakes her body a little uneasily. This person is really not suitable for this look: "you look like you are being bullied."

“……” Xiao Zitian looked at Xiao Mu and said, "I think I can come to see you more." Xiao Zitian bit the two words "play". That's just to find them trouble.

Xiao Mu blinks, looks at Qiao Mo Shang on the edge: "brother Shang, are we entangled?"


Xiao Zitian had a good relationship with them, and soon came to Xiao leiran's ears. Xiao leisurely looked forward thoughtfully: "Xiao Zitian's courage is as good as ever. Is there any news at home?"

"Not yet. The distance is not short. I'm afraid it will take a while." Said the man on the side in a low voice.

Xiao Youran frowned slightly. She also knew that it was early for her to ask. After all, how could she come so soon for such a long distance?

"Come and tell me as soon as the news comes from home." Xiao Youran frowned and said.


Xiao leiran's eyes looked coldly at the front. No matter what, nothing could go wrong with this matter, and Xiao Zitian could not have any problems there.

During the time when Xiao Mu came back, the days were not full. It's OK to fight with Xiao Zi for wisdom and courage every day. Qiao moshang still stuck his foot in the side. He was tired of coping with it, but he also found fun slowly.

Three people belong to, you calculate me, I will calculate back, see who is unhappy, with another person to calculate each other.

When Qiao mofeng's wedding was about to arrive, Ning Mengyao looked at the three people who had already been fighting together, and asked with some headache, "they have been in love and killing each other, can they fight in the future?"

"You can rest assured that they will be able to fight." Qiao Tianchang said playfully.

In fact, he didn't do it. These three people can play so well, but their way of playing also makes people spray rice.

When Qiao mofeng came back, he saw that the three were fighting. He was worried about the tea and tea beside him: "are they going to be ok?"

Recently, both of them are very busy. The busy shadow of Hatu and fengxiao can't be seen. On the contrary, Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao have a lot of leisure because they want to teach these children.

"It should be all right."

"Should?" What is the answer?

Joe mofeng nodded: "don't you see their faces with happy smiles? To make them like this only means that they have got along well in this period of time, and this is their way of getting along. We don't have to worry about it. "

Tea and tea nodded: "then I'm relieved. Shall we go to find my parents?"

"OK, let's go."

As soon as Qiao mofeng returned home with tea, Zhao Mingyu caught him: "Qiao mofeng, I said what are you so anxious to get married for? Most of us are not in a hurry. You don't know what to do in such a hurry. "

"If you have no wife, I will not stimulate you."