Although Zhao Mingyu is one or two years older than him, there's nothing to worry about. I just want to tease myself and don't see if he can tease Zhao Mingyu?

Tea and tea looked at Qiao mofeng like this, and couldn't help laughing. Zhao Mingyu looked at Qiao mofeng with a twitch on the corner of his mouth: "you have a great wife?"

"I'm not saying that. I'm doing it for you." Joe mofeng, I'm for you, but you misunderstood me.

Zhao Mingyu would like to cover his face. When did this man become so shameless?

"Joe Mo Feng How thick is your cheek to say such a thing? " Zhao Mingyu looked at Qiao mofeng without words and said angrily.

Qiao Mo Feng looked at Zhao Mingyu in a daze, and looked at the tea beside him in confusion: "do I have tea?"

"No." Tea and tea shake their heads very honestly.

"What are you doing in front of the door? Don't you have to do anything? " Ningmengyao came out of the room and saw three people standing in front of the door and didn't know what to do. She said helplessly.

Zhao Mingyu went to Ning Mengyao's side and said wrongly, "Auntie, look at Qiao mofeng, how wonderful is marriage? They will bully people. "

Ning Mengyao couldn't help but burst out laughing: "your feelings are very good."

“……” Zhao Mingyu blinked, his eyes were blank. Why is something so wrong? How could he have become like this?

"Maple, what are you These two children are very busy these days. They can't see the figure of people every day. Now they have time to come back, which makes her really confused.

"Niang, we're OK. We've got everything ready. I want to see you and dad. What's the difference? As for wedding clothes, aunt le and aunt Qingzhu have already prepared for us." Qiao mofeng thought and said.

Ningmengyao nodded, "let's go in, tell me what I think is worse."

Qiao mofeng and tea went to the front hall together with Ning Mengyao. Zhao Mingyu, who likes to join the fun, naturally didn't miss it.

Qiao mofeng said all the things once, and Ning Mengyao frowned after listening: "have all the people who want to be invited invited invited?"

"Almost all." Jomo Feng nodded.

Joe Tianchang helped with it. They just invited some friends, but not many of them.

"That's OK, but the safety of that day is very important, understand?" Thinking of the wedding ceremony between Jiang Ying and Ziling, Ning Mengyao frowned and said.

"My father told me before. Everything has been arranged. Shi Song and Uncle Lei An are in charge." Qiao mofeng thought and said.

Ningmengyao nodded, frowning slightly: "I'm still a little uneasy."

"Mother?" Qiao mofeng had some accidents, and looked at Ning Mengyao with serious doubts.

"Don't think about it. Maybe I'm concerned." Ning Mengyao said with a smile, "what you have to do now is to cultivate your spirit and then be the bridegroom and the bride. If your spirit is not good, it's not a good thing. Are you right?"

Qiao mofeng went to Ning Mengyao's side and put his hand around her shoulder: "I'm not bad with tea and tea. Even if I'm not in a good spirit, my beauty can support everything, right?"

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing: "what are you talking about?"

"Am I wrong? I've heard that before, haven't you? You can use the beauty value. "

Ning Mengyao laughingly shook her head: "you are right, your two faces are worth enough."

In the past two years, Qiao mofeng's face has become more evil. Before that, she was still a little immature. In the past two years, she experienced many things and gradually became mature.

"You're really narcissistic." Said Zhao Mingyu on the side.

Qiao mofeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Mingyu: "what's the matter? Do you have an opinion? "

"There must be no problem with this." Zhao Mingyu shakes his head, because it's really needless to say that Qiao mofeng's and tea tea's Yan value: "to be honest, I am particularly curious about whether you two will be particularly cute if you have children in the future, which is more beautiful than the two of you."

Some of the Qiao's children are blue. He can't imagine what these two children will be like.