Feng Xiao's mouth slightly twitches. He takes a look at Ning Mengyao and says, "that's really good."

Ning Mengyao nodded immediately: "of course."

"Qi Feng and they don't know if they can come in a hurry." Qiao Tianchang on the side suddenly said, before Xiao Qifeng they go back to now have no news, do not know how.

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang's worried look and couldn't help but feel helpless: "they will be OK, don't worry."

Qiao Tianchang nodded and looked outside. "I hope so."

Even though the distance to the snow area is a little long, but they have been away for more than two months, it should be OK once they come back, but there is no news yet, how can she not worry about it?

"If you're worried, I'll ask someone to inquire?" Ning Mengyao thought and said.

However, the people in her hands don't know much about the snow area. Even if they are asked to investigate, it will take some time to do so.

Qiao Tian thought about it and nodded, "OK."

Feng Xiao took a look at the two: "it seems that you two want to go to the snow to play."

"It has been said before." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Qiao Tianchang also nodded: "Yao Yao is right. We had planned to go to the snow area to have a look after feng'er got married."

Feng Xiao didn't take a good look at the two men. "It's true that you two are willful husband and wife."

"We didn't say we weren't." Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at each other and say with a smile.

Feng Xiao's mouth slightly twitches. He looks at Ning Mengyao and says, "you're so interesting."

"What's the shame?" Ningmengyao is really not embarrassed at all. For her, this is a matter of course. What's the meaning?

"Did you go to another place to live today?" Feng Xiao directly changed the topic, and really didn't want to talk to this man.

Ningmengyao takes a playful look at fengxiao, then nods seriously: "yes, Fenger needs to greet her, so it can't be here."

Feng Xiao nodded and thought it was the same: "you are right."

The next morning, Joe mofeng got up. Looking at the very happy room, he couldn't help laughing. The smile on his face was very soft.

He has always wanted to get the feelings of his parents, and now he can get them, which is very good.

After staying in the room for a while, Qiao mofeng put on the wedding dress beside him. Seeing his appearance in the copper mirror, he couldn't help laughing.

As soon as I was ready to go out, there was a knock at the door. When I opened the door, I saw Zhao Mingyu, Huangfu Qing, Xiao Zitian and even wind erosion. Not only that, Shi Song, who rarely returned to Ali in the barracks, was also standing at the door dressed up.

"Congratulations." Several people saw Joe Murphy saying congratulations one after another.

"Thank you, but why are you here?" Joe Mo Feng helplessly looked at him and said.

Xiao Zitian thought and said, "I haven't been to the wedding. Come and see what it is. It's a gift for you. Congratulations."

He has a good relationship with Jomo Shang and Xiao Mu. Naturally, he can't be too mean to their brother, so all the things sent out are precious.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Wind erosion also sent their own gifts. When the people were talking, Ning Mengyao came in and said, "Why are you still here? If we delay any longer, the time will be late. "

"We'll help you get married." Zhao Mingyu said happily.

In aunt's words, they are the best man today. Well, it's a good thing to pay attention to. The best man is very good.


Xiao Zitian looked at the wind erosion and asked, "can we go too?"

"You want to go too?" Joe mofeng's mouth twitched for a moment. If the Xiao family knew about it, they would not hate it.


Joe mofeng sighed, "let's go."

Ningmengyao looks at these children, but she shakes her head. But when she sees Qiao mofeng's red clothes, her eyes are smiling. She has never seen him wear red, but she is very good-looking.