When several people went out, everything was ready. Qiao mofeng looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "Mom and dad thank you."

"All right, let's go."

"I'm leaving, father and mother. I'm leaving." Qiao Mo Feng looked at the side of Feng Xiao and said seriously.

Feng Xiao nodded, "go."

When Qiao mofeng and them went to greet each other, tea and tea were also in full swing. When tea and tea were changed into a wedding dress designed by Ning Mengyao and made by green bamboo and Yang Lele, everyone in the room had straight eyes.

"Tea and tea are beautiful." Meiruolin said sincerely.

"My aunt is beautiful, too." Tea said shyly.

Meiruolin's face was obviously helpless: "you don't have to be so shy."

The tea was even more embarrassed by Mei Ruolin's saying: "aunt..."

"Well, come on, I'll show you. It's time for maple to come later." Meiruolin looked at her like this, and she did not continue to tease her immediately said.

Mei Ruolin carefully put on make-up for tea and tea. After putting on make-up, Yang family will pull her hair.

After they had everything ready, they heard a voice outside: "the bridegroom is here."

Hatu stood at the door and looked at Joe mofeng. His face was full of satisfaction, but even if it was difficult, there was no shortage.

By the time Jomo finishes five passes and cuts six generals, it's almost time.

They took tea and tea from Hatu's hands. They knelt on the ground and were blessed by the elders of their tribe. This is the rule of their family. However, this place is not in the family after all, so the ceremony is relatively simple.

"Well, maple will take good care of tea and tea in the future."

"Don't worry, father-in-law. I will." Joe mofeng nodded seriously. This is his wife. How can he not treat him well?

"Then I'll rest assured that you don't want to be capricious in tea and tea, and you can play a little temper, you know?" Hatu looked at the tea and said lovingly.

Tea and tea nodded seriously: "don't worry, Dad, I will."

Looking at the tea and tea Hatu, he was very reluctant to marry his daughter. If it wasn't because Qiao mofeng was really excellent, he really didn't want to let his daughter marry so early.

"It's almost time."

"Well, let's go." Hatu pressed down all his thoughts and said.

Qiao Mo Feng nodded and went out with his tea in his arms. Zhao Mingyu, who was next to him, was making a lot of noise there.

Today is the eldest son of the general's mansion getting married. All the people in the city come to see the ceremony and send their blessings.

Looking at the handsome and extraordinary Qiao Mo Feng holding the bride out and putting it in the sedan chair, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Up to the gate of the general's mansion, the people never stopped, and there are more and more blessings.

Xiao Zitian looked at this scene in a dazed way. It was just a scene of a general's son getting married. How did they do it? Xiao Zitian couldn't believe it.

"It's spectacular, isn't it?" Said Huang Fu Qing suddenly.

"Well, it's hard to imagine." Xiao Zitian said.

"This is their charm. You don't think it's because of the general's reputation. In fact, this is maple's own reputation." Joe mofeng has done a lot for the people in the border city.

Teaching pharmacology in the school, every month for a fixed two or three days, we will take tea and tea together in the city to do a free clinic, specially for the elderly and children to check the body.

Such a move is undoubtedly the best for the people. How can the people not repay their kindness? Although their method is very simple, it is such a simple way, but it is shocking.

Xiao Zi asked for help and stopped talking. He didn't know what he was thinking.

When they arrived at the gate of the general's mansion, there were more people. They all stood at the gate and looked at the welcoming team from far and near excitedly. They said something excitedly from time to time: "brother, I'm so handsome today."

"Well, it's so handsome."