Qiao Mo Feng comes down from the horse according to Xipo's point to do, kick the car door, cross the fire pot and so on.

When we arrived at the main hall of the general's mansion, Hatu, Ning Mengyao and his wife, as well as fengxiao, were already sitting there.

"Good time to heaven and earth."

"Worship heaven and earth."

"Two high places."

"Husband and wife worship each other."

Feng Xiao looks at his son and his daughter-in-law. The smile on his son's face makes him laugh.

After the two went to the cave, Feng Xiao looked at Hatu and said with a smile, "let's drink when we go home."

"Good to drink."

The general's office has a wide network of people. There are many people coming here. Besides, there are also running mats outside. If you don't call all the cooks in the nearby Fuman building, I'm afraid you can't help but produce so many meals. There are too many people.

What's the situation of the water mat outside? They don't know Ning Mengyao, but they are going to fall out.

A lot of people are generals. They speak and work loudly. One or two of them don't think it. When there are more than one of them, Ning Mengyao suddenly feels very noisy. However, seeing their excited appearance, he swallows the words to his mouth.

Joe mofeng has come out of the cave and is toasting. He really has no way to deal with the veterans in the military camp. It's not good to drink as much as these people. It's not good to drink. Fortunately, Qiao Tianchang blocked these people's wine at last. He went to other places after drinking two drinks.

Although someone stopped him from drinking, Joe mofeng's head was just a little groggy after a round. These wines were brewed in ningmengyao's distillery, and they were the best wine. When he married, ningmengyao was bleeding a lot. It was only tens of thousands of Liang when he took the wine out to sell it. If others were empty, they would have died of heartache.

Ningmengyao looks at Qiao mofeng's drunken appearance, but she shakes her head and asks people to bring her sobering soup: "drink the sobering soup back to the new house, ignore them, and let them make trouble by themselves."

"Thank you, ma'am." Qiao Mo Feng smiled and nodded, took the bowl and gave the sobering soup to drink, then was supported by Zhao Mingyu and went back.

Today, in addition to Qiao Mo Feng, the small group of Qiao Mo Shang almost went crazy. Fortunately, Qiao Mo Feng didn't get married too much, otherwise Ning Mengyao didn't dare to think about it.

"Auntie, we're going to play."

"Go." Ning Mengyao shakes her head helplessly.

Today, they actually prepared a lot of programs. They prepared a bonfire party in the garden. People who had eaten and didn't drink went there to have fun.

Jomo Shangs their eyes are shining and looking at all these things. Their faces are very excited, which makes people feel that they are in need of beating.

This bonfire party was prepared by several children. Ning Mengyao didn't say anything when she saw that they were excited to play with others. She turned around and left. She was very tired and didn't want to play with these little crazy people.

When Ning Mengyao returned to the room and was ready to rest, Qiao Tianchang pushed the door and walked in, but he was also drunk.

The corner of the eye twitches ceaselessly, Ning Mengyao suddenly wants to beat this guy hard. It's not easy to worry about one or two.

"Yao Yao." Joe came shaking and reaching for people.

The smell of wine made ningmengyao almost throw people into the pond outside.

"How much did you drink?" How can she not be angry that the man's drinking capacity is so good and now he drinks like this?

However, Qiao Tianchang didn't answer Ning Mengyao's words at all. He just stood and fell asleep holding people.

Ningmengyao pushed twice and didn't push people away. Her face suddenly turned ugly. This guy is looking for scolding, isn't he?

Get the person to the bed with great effort, and look at Qiao Tianchang, whose cheeks are red. Ning Mengyao appoints him to strip off his clothes and scrub them with water, so as to help him put on a clean coat and cover the quilt.

After such a toss, Ning Mengyao's face was as ugly as it was. How much did he drink? So the toss didn't wake people up. It's really

Reaching out and pinching Qiao Tianchang's face, Ning Mengyao said angrily, "by virtue of the quantity of wine, you're going to be a fool, aren't you?"

Qiao Tianchang frowned, reached out to hug people in his arms, rubbed against Ning Mengyao's shoulder socket, and then continued to sleep