"Take your things and go away. You little things are lucky. You haven't met anything they met." Qiao Tianchang looked at them and said.

"What happened to Uncle Shang?" Thunder asked curiously.

"Your war elder brother they met a boar of two or three hundred jin, Xiao Zitian they met a tiger." Qiao Tianchang said casually.

“……” The thunder silenced them.

"Well, go back. The tiger's bloody smell is too strong. It's easy to attract other beasts. I heard the voice of wolves just now, and I've come to play. I want to wait for you to practice your skills."


There are so many things, they think it's enough, and they don't quarrel to keep them. Qiao Tianchang said that for their good.

They pack up their prey and take them away. When they return to the city, Ning Mengyao and others look at the pig in front of them with speechless eyes, and the corners of their mouths twitch.

"You said that the monkey and sheng'er hunted it?" Ningmengyao still asked in disbelief.


Yu Feng had no choice but to take a look at the things on the ground, and then said, "that kid seems to be hurt."

"It should be OK." Ning Mengyao shakes her head. She doesn't think Qiao Tianchang will ignore them.

"Qingxuan, go and clean up this thing." Ning Mengyao said with a weak wave.

Originally, sugar and beans wanted to come back to see the boar. Who knew what they saw was the pork that was processed and sliced.

"Well, it's late."


"What's the matter with you two groaning here?" Ning Mengyao asked jokingly.

"Dad said that brother and brother Sheng hunted wild boars. We want to see them." Sugar and beans at the same time.

Ningmengyao looked at the two men, but said: "then you can only be disappointed. The boar you want to see has been dismembered."

“……” What's that bloody thing.

Barbecue is something that they are interested in. When they are preparing in ningmengyao, some little guys are also helping out, such as taking it.

Ningmengyao looked at the children who were not helping: "well, if you have nothing to do, you can help me to cut the potatoes there and get some sweet potatoes."

"Go now."

Ning Mengyao shakes her head helplessly. These little things are really energetic.

In the evening, all the people we knew gathered together for drinking and chatting. This was the first time that wind erosion and Xiao Zitian had participated in such a thing. Although they also had fun at the bonfire party last night, there were not too many people, they went to have a rest after playing for a while, as is the case now, they never had a simple chat with friends.

There are not many friends between them, and some of them are just nodding friends.

"Such feelings are enviable." Xiao Zitian suddenly said.


Cloud zero and cloud one are also here. These days, they stay with Xiao Zixun in the general's mansion. They have seen too much, and they also see that Xiao Zixun is very happy during this period. Although his expression is not much, he still feels that Xiao Zixun's mood is happy.

"The atmosphere in your family is very good." Cloud zero they also talked with the green Xuan several people on the edge.

"You can envy it." Qingxuan said something very proudly.


Qiao Mo Shang takes a look at Xiao Zi and says, "enjoy life, what do you want to do so much?"

"You're right." Whether they will become enemies or not, now they are at least friends.

Wind erosion looked at Xiao Zitian and said, "look?"

"If I want to come here in the future, will you be welcome?" Xiao Zitian didn't answer the wind erosion, but looked at Xiao Zitian and said seriously.

Qiao moshang looked at Xiao Zitian very seriously: "are you just a whim, or serious?"

Xiao Zitian looked at the smiling faces of the people around him: "everyone will yearn for a safe life, especially for people like us. I don't have much ambition and don't want to do anything to conquer. What I want is very simple, just a place to live."