Qiao Mo Shang picked up his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Zi for a long time, then nodded: "is that right?"


"How can I disagree? Your ability is not bad. If you don't make good use of it, how can you be right? " Qiao Mo Shang smiles and looks at Xiao Zitian and says with a smile.

“……” Xiao Zitian looked at Qiao moshang completely speechless. Is it really good to say such words in front of him?

Reaching out to cover his forehead, Xiao Zitian sighed: "even if you really think like this, don't say it."

"Why not say it?" Qiao Mo Shangs with a very innocent eyes I look at the gas Xiao Zitian.

Xiao Zitian decided not to talk to this guy, so he didn't have to say anything uncomfortable.

Wind erosion didn't say a word on the edge, but when he heard Qiao moshang's words and saw Xiao Zixun's expression, he finally couldn't help laughing.

"You have today, too." Before, he was choked by Xiao Zitian. Now, he has today.

Xiao Zitian took a look at the wind erosion, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were thoughtful, so he knew that he was calculating people.

"Well Don't look at me like this. I'm afraid of you. " Every time this guy looks at him with such an expression, he will be unlucky, and it is very unlucky.

"Funny?" Xiao Zitian asked coldly.

Wind erosion quickly shook his head: "not funny, not funny at all."

Xiao Zitian looked at the wind erosion and nodded with satisfaction: "very good."

However, when they quarreled with each other, it didn't end. However, Xiao Zitian and Fengshi knew that if they really came to this place one day, they would accept them as friends.

After today, it won't take long for them to leave. After they leave, Xiao Zitian will go back to Xiao's house. What will happen then? He doesn't know. Maybe it will be different when he meets them again.

Qiao Mo Shang takes a look at Xiao Zi and says, "you will be OK when you go back?"


Now those people can't touch him or dare not, unless they want to make the Xiao family suffer from enemies.

"That's good, but you'd better take good care of yourself. When you go back, I'll ask my eldest brother to prepare some life-saving things for you. You know I have to make you coolie, but you can't just run away like this." Qiao Mo Shang looks at Xiao Zi and says with a smile.

“……” Xiao Zitian didn't know how to describe Qiao moshang. If he cared about people, he cared about people. As for this?

"Thank you."

"If you don't say that, you can eat the barbecue. If you don't do it yourself, you won't have to eat it." Jomo Shang looked at the crazy boys on the edge, and said with a twitch on the corner of his mouth.

How long have they not eaten meat? Why does he think these kids come down from the mountains?

"They are lovely." It took Xiao Zitian a long time to come up with such a lovely word.

Jomo was shocked, then he laughed.

"It's lovely. They look like this. People who don't know think we are hungry for them." Everything they eat is robbed. Besides mingmian, they have to grab the same piece. Isn't it because it's better to eat?

Xiao Zitian looks at Qiao moshang, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"I have dirt on my face? Let you look at me like this? " Jomo shangtiao eyebrows asked.

"No, I just think you are a very amazing person."

"Magic? What is the description? "

"Really, it's a very small one, but it seems that the body is full of strength." He always looks up to Jomo Shangs, and Jomo Shangs are really powerful. Sometimes he can't help thinking, what is the support of such a small person to today?

Qiao Mo Shang was stunned, then smiled: "maybe it's how big the heart is and how powerful it is."

"Maybe you're right."