That night, like yesterday, they went back to rest after playing very late. When they returned to their place of residence, Xiao Zitian looked at the same silent wind erosion: "wind erosion is a very enviable and yearning atmosphere, right?"

"Well, they I really don't know how to describe the feelings between those people. " Wind erosion nodded, then frowned.

He saw a lot in the general's mansion, but many of them are different. The feelings between adults are very good, and their children's feelings are also very good. They think about such feelings for a lifetime.

Seeing Qiao Mo Shang and their group of children, and then thinking about him and Xiao Zixun, the wind eroded corners of the mouth with a bitter smile, why did things end up like this?

They are not bad at all, but what they get in the end is their calculation and utilization.

But Jomo Shangs, they were born with golden spoon, parents and elder brothers, all of which made them want to go mad with envy.

"Sometimes when I see their relationship, I really feel envious." Said wind erosion with a wry smile.

"Well, I'm also envious. When it's over, let's go to Xiao Guo. Whatever we do, we'll just come here." Xiao Zitian looked at the front and said.

Wind erosion a Leng, then looked at Xiao Zitian: "you are serious?"

"Well, seriously, I want to live like this. Since those people in the Shaw family can't give it, let's go to this place." Xiao Zitian said with a smile.

Wind erosion also smiled: "well, my friend is only you, so naturally you can't be alone."

Xiao Zitian smiled and nodded. They had known about wind erosion for several years. He was always by his side. No matter what his attitude was, wind erosion always regarded him as a good friend. He just thought that wind erosion was persistent, so he had friends.

"Let's go. It's time to go back." Xiao Zitian looked at the front and murmured.

It's really a place that people don't want to go back.

"Good." Wind erosion nodded seriously. He knew what they were going to face when they went back, but they were fearless, because their hearts had what they wanted and what they yearned for.

For what they want and yearn for, they will try their best to survive and make their own life better than before.

When they were thinking about going back, they looked at the person in front of them in a secluded place: "what do you say? You mean Qiao mofeng... "

"Yes, he once had an incident, if we start from this..." Even if not, she knows how to do it according to xiaoleiran's intelligence.

Xiao leisurely nodded, which is a good idea, if Joe mofeng can bring them a breakthrough is not impossible.

Since she came back, they have been unable to enter the border city, no matter what kind of identity they are dressed up in.

Even if someone goes in, the body will be thrown out in less than three days.

Now they just can't get involved in the border city, so they can only get involved from Joe mofeng.

"Take a close look at Joe mofeng and let's see where to start." Said Xiao leiran at once.


Xiao leiran lets people go down, and then his eyes squint slightly. Ning Mengyao, Qiao mofeng, and Xiao Guo, no matter who they are, can't stop her from walking forward and dying in front of others.

The people under Xiao leiran's mind must have no idea. Five days after Qiao Moshan's marriage, Qiao moshang and others left, while Huangfu Qing and Zhao Mingyu left because there were still some things to explain, and then went there after the things were explained.

Qiao mofeng took tea and tea to the workshop since he got married. At the same time, he also brought a lot of food to the people in the workshop, as well as sugar and snacks.

This day, Qiao mofeng needs to look for Ning Mengyao because of some things in the workshop. When he went back, he met a group of people and blocked his way.

"Who are you?" Qiao mofeng looked at these people and asked coldly, these people are not good people at first sight.