The man in front of Joe mofeng didn't answer him, but asked, "do you remember your mother, Joe mofeng?"

Qiao Mo Feng looked at the person on the opposite side and said derisively, "and then?"

"Don't you wonder how your mother died?" People on the opposite side looked at Joe mofeng in surprise, why his mood was so weird.

Ordinary people are excited when they hear about their parents' death? But this man seems It doesn't matter at all.

Joe mofeng looked at them sarcastically: "what do you want to say? Want to tell me that my mother was killed by my righteous parents? Are they using me, or what? " Joe mofeng looked at these people mockingly and said sarcastically.

"You Never doubted? "

"Oh, why should I doubt it? I'll tell you how my mother died. I saw her tortured to death. How about that? Are you satisfied with the answer? " Qiao Mo Feng's lips are slightly hooked up and said with a smile.

The person on the opposite side looks at Joe mofeng with a completely unbelievable look. Is he kidding them? How could such a thing happen?

"If you want to stir up my relationship with my righteous parents, you have to see if you have that ability." These people are really stupid enough. They want to do the things that stir up discord without knowing anything, and they are not afraid of being beaten up by themselves at last.

When those people looked at each other, Qiao mofeng put out his hand at the same time. In an instant, two people died in his hands: "do you know what I hate most? What I hate in UI is that someone instigated my relationship with my parents. I'm sorry that you have done something that I hate very much. I really don't want you to stay. What do you say? "

"You You... " They didn't even take out the forged evidence, and the people were killed. It can be seen that Joe mofeng really believed in his righteous parents.

"It's not a good thing that you are still wandering at this time. If you want to die, I will help you."

In less than a cup of tea, Qiao mofeng was in front of the bodies of several people. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on his hands. His movements were elegant.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Joe mofeng suddenly took out a bottle and poured the contents of the bottle onto the corpses. Soon, the corpses were melted and there was no clothes left.

Qiao Mo Feng took a look at the place. His eyes became very cold. He turned over and went to the city.

Before going to find Ning Mengyao, Qiao mofeng tried to adjust his mood. Just now, the darkness in his heart almost broke out, which was suppressed by him. However, he could not let Ning Mengyao know, so that she would not worry.

Ningmengyao looks at Qiao mofeng's inconstant appearance in the past, frowns slightly, and his nose suddenly moves. Ningmengyao looks at Qiao mofeng and says, "you killed someone?"

“……” Joe Mo Feng some helpless, mother's nose why so sensitive? I can smell it. When he came, he had already cleaned it.

Ning Mengyao looks at the silent Qiao mofeng and reaches out to let people sit beside her: "what happened?"

"Mom, I killed people. Today, I met several people when I came back. They suddenly told me about my mom. It seemed that they wanted to provoke my relationship with you." Qiao Mo Feng knows that he can't hide ningmengyao now, so he tells ningmengyao what happened.

When Ning Mengyao heard Qiao mofeng's words, she couldn't help but smile: "the Xiao family really have nothing to do with us."

"Niang you mean they are to let us appear contradiction, then use me?" Asked Jo mofeng, frowning.

"Well, are you ok?" Ningmengyao is not worried about what the Xiao family is going to do. She is worried about Qiao mofeng remembering the unfinished business.

Qiao Mo Feng looks at Ning Mengyao in silence: "it's all fake to say nothing."