Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang speechlessly: "are you sure you won't cause the Xiao family's antipathy by doing this?"

"Disgust? They have never been nice to us, but if they all bully us and come here, I will not fight back. Isn't it waiting to be slapped? "

In fact, Feng Xiao just said, "they are not successful this time. They will try other ways."

"Of course I know that, but I think it's also an opportunity." Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly and said coldly.

"Opportunity?" Feng Xiao is surprised to see Qiao Tianchang. He doesn't understand what the opportunity means.

"This matter has always been a wound in feng'er's heart. Although it seems ok now, it will be very dangerous after a long time. It's better to take this opportunity to completely solve this matter." Joe Tianchang squinted and said in a deep voice.

However, Feng Xiao frowned: "are you sure it will not backfire?"

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "don't worry, it won't be."

"You're so sure?" Feng Xiao said he didn't worry about it. How could he not worry about his son?

Qiao Tianchang took a look at fengxiao: "now he has tea and tea around him, nothing will happen. If it wasn't for fear that he couldn't bear it, Yao Yao Yao and I would have done that."

They had such an idea for a long time. They just put it down because there was no real spiritual support around Qiao mofeng. However, they were surprised by the appearance of tea and tea, but they were also very satisfied because her presence made Qiao mofeng more alive.

Feng Xiao watched Qiao Tianchang for a long time, but he was worried: "if..."

"No, fengxiao, we need to believe Fenger. Although the pustule doesn't hurt, it will grow bigger and bigger. It's only good if it's broken and the thick water in it is squeezed out for medicine. Even if it hurts, it's only for a while." Qiao Tianchang plans to talk about fengxiao.

Feng Xiao understands all his worries, but understanding is understanding, which doesn't mean that he should do the same.

"Of course I believe in feng'er, but I'm afraid he can't bear it." At that time, feng'er was so upset. It took them nearly half a year to cure his injury. After that, Joe mofeng never said it again. But from his expression from time to time, he knew that she didn't care about it. He just hid everything in his heart, just slightly didn't let them worry. That's all.

Qiao Tianchang sighed: "fengxiao is in a mess. He is also my son. I will do nothing to hurt him." Qiao Tianchang looked at fengxiao and said earnestly.

Feng Xiao thought and nodded, agreeing with Qiao Tianchang very much: "I know what you mean, and of course I believe you won't hurt feng'er."

If they really wanted to harm people, they would not have adopted Qiao mofeng at the beginning. They treated him like their own son, especially ningmengyao.

"It's not going to happen to him to have us around, so don't worry too much."

"Well, let's go."

Although Qiao mofeng killed all those people, he still thought of what they said and who they said.

WeiLuo, he hasn't thought of this person for a long time. It seems that he seldom thought of the past things since he met tea and tea. He thought that he would never think of it for a lifetime, but he didn't expect that someone else would be exposed in such a way.

This feeling is not good at all.

He reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. Qiao Mo Feng laughed sarcastically and calculated him? Then get ready to be reckoned.

These days, Joe mofeng's mood is not right. His wife's tea soon found out.

"What's wrong with you?" Tea and tea looked dazed again, and Qiao mofeng, with a mockery on his face, asked a little worried.

Such Qiao Mo Feng she met once, that was when they just met, at that time, parents and Shanger their expressions were very strange.

Qiao Mo Feng chuckles at his wife and waves for tea. When the tea comes to him, he holds the person in his arms and lingers on her shoulder.