Rely on Qiao Mo Feng's bosom, tea tea heart is more confused, what's the matter with him? Why is it like this?

"What's wrong with you?"

"Shh, let me hold you for a while." Said Jomo Feng in a low voice.

Tea and tea although the heart is very worried, but still nodded, quietly leaning on Qiao Mo Feng's arms, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, face with obvious worry.

After a long time, Qiao Mo Feng just looked at the man in his arms: "are you curious about my past?"

"Well, when I was on the west coast, I thought you had a lot of secrets in your heart. Besides, I was very strange to see your parents and Shanger. What kind of things can make them look like that?" Tea and tea nodded, and then said their own thoughts have been hidden in the heart.

What an honest girl, Joe mofeng's eyes with a clear smile.

"Well, I lived with my mother in my uncle's house when I was a child. At that time, I didn't have a father. My uncle's family called me wild seed and did a lot of things to humiliate me." Joe mofeng slowly told tea what had happened.

Tea eyes are tears: "how can they do this to you, then how do you meet my parents?"

"Well, my cousin gave me to a man to be forbidden. Because I didn't want to, I escaped with the help of a little servant girl. I thought I couldn't escape. It was just the way of heaven. I met my parents. I just didn't remember everything when I woke up. Then my parents recognized me as a son." Joe mofeng said his own things, suddenly felt as if he was talking about other people's things.

Joe mofeng told tea what happened to Qiao Tianchang: "later I met my father. At that time, I was very resistant, but he was very good to me."

"My parents are very kind to you." Tea tea some envy said.

"Yes, it is."

"Just why did you touch your face that time? And then my parents are particularly worried? "

"Why? I think my mother-in-law took me as bait to catch Shanger, and then my appearance was very similar to my father's. she hated him, so she destroyed my face and poisoned me. " Joe mofeng reached out his hand and touched his face: "it's two daddies who saved me, or I might be dead."

"What? Why does she do it? " Tea and tea immediately became angry. How could it be like this? As a mother, how can we treat our children like this?

"I don't know why she is. Maybe she has never liked me. You don't know that I can hardly survive the disfigurement. If it wasn't for my parents, my father and aunt Qingshuang and my grandfather, I really don't know what I would become now." Qiao Mo Feng said to herself derisively.

"Mo......" Tea and tea turn around and lean on Qiao Mo Feng's hands tightly holding him.

"I'm fine. I was fine at that time. My father said that if my face is not good, he will make his face the same as I was then. Grandpa and aunt Qingshuang study day and night to make me better. My father and mother change to make all kinds of tonics for me every day. At that time, I really felt that I had all." Joe mofeng's voice is very light, very light.

"Dad, he..."

"My mother said that my father would be crazy at that time. If it wasn't for the last grandfather, they promised me that I would be fine again and again, and that I would be as good as before. I believe that what he said can really be done. He was worried that my face would be OK, and he would be sad to see his face. Since it's better to destroy it." Joe Mo Feng said with a smile, "tea dad is very childish, isn't it?"

"Is it a long time before your face gets better?"

"Well, it took half a year to use a lot of precious herbs." Joe mofeng nodded and said.

Tea reached out and stroked Qiao Mo Feng's cheek: "at that time you are not very painful?"

"En is very painful, but the wound on the face is no more painful than the pain in the heart. I have always liked my mother, but in the end it turned out to be like this." Said Jomo Feng with a wry smile.

Their mother and son have always been dependent on each other. Even after he followed his father and mother, he still thought that as long as his mother was still alive.