Zhao Mingyu stares at Huangfu and says, "what's the smile?"

"Nothing." Although the words are said so, but the expression on the face is not so.

Qiaomofeng heard the voice outside, and could not help shaking his head funny: "not yet come in, when are you going to stand there?"

At the door of the two people heard qiaomofeng's words, immediately stunned, he heard their words?

Huangfu Qing first pushed the door and went in: "Mo Feng."

"Yes?" For Huangfu Qing, it's because of Jomo Shang that he gets along with him slowly, and then he thinks he's good.

"What happened to you? Some things need to be put down, those are just a small part of you, there is no need to let you remember that long time. " Said Huang Fu Qing suddenly.

His words made the people on the side feel strange. What did the good Huangfu Qing say suddenly?

"What do you want to say?"

"We also heard what you just said with tea and tea. If you can't let it go, it will become your mind devil. What will become of the mind devil of the martial arts practitioners? I believe you can understand without me." In fact, Huangfu Qing didn't want to meddle, but who let this man be his brother? He doesn't care.

Qiao mofeng looked at Huangfu Qing for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "you are right. I didn't put it down well, but it's not enough to really affect me."

However, Huangfu Qing shook his head: "are you still kidding yourself? What do you think in your heart? You know that you have tea, so many younger brothers and sisters, and a group of friends and family. Can't all these feelings make up for the hurt in your heart? "

Qiao mofeng looked at Huangfu Qing and suddenly felt that this man was really disliked.

"You may think I'm meddling, but have you ever thought about them, uncle? They don't say that, but they will worry. "

"Maybe you're right." Jomo Feng was silent for a long time, then whispered.

Father and mother because he worries too much, he can't let them worry any more, but these things don't mean that they can be let go.

Joe Tianchang asked Ryan to pick up the other side's territory. He didn't know, he just pretended not to know.

I didn't think before, but now when I hear Huangfu Qing's words, Qiao mofeng suddenly feels like this, which really worries Qiao Tianchang too much.

"Thank you, Huangfu Qing."

"You don't have to say thank you to me. It's the most important thing to cherish the present. What used to be is nothing but the past, just like sorrow." Huangfu Qing looked at Qiao mofeng and said.

They all know about Qiao Mo Shang. He was betrayed and killed by his relatives, but his hurt was more cruel and painful than Qiao Mo Feng.

But Jomo Shangs didn't want to revenge, because he knew how to cherish, now the happy life is enough to smooth all the injustice in his heart.

"Shang has the same experience with you, but his choice is different from yours. He chose to forget the past and cherish the present, but you trapped yourself in the past. Are you punishing yourself, Joe mofeng, or your own father and mother?" Huangfu Qing looked at Qiao mofeng and said word by word.

"I don't think so."

"You don't have it, but your father, righteous parents, will feel self reproach and worry because of your emotions, and think that if they didn't protect you at that time, wouldn't it be sad or painful to mourn? No, he is the same, because he is also a person, but why can he put it down, and you can't? " Huangfu Qing looked at Qiao mofeng and asked.

Joe mofeng can't say something: "I......"

Tea tea some heartache Qiao Mo Feng: "Mo he said right, do not entangle the past, it is not important for us."

Huangfu Qing has a saying right, cherish the present, they are very happy now, isn't that enough?

Qiao mofeng looked at them for a long time, then suddenly smiled: "I suddenly feel that I can't even compare with Shanger."

"You just didn't see it." In fact, Joe mofeng is not always thinking about those things, but he has always been thinking about why his mother did this to him, which may have remained in his heart since then.