Joe mofeng laughed, and his voice was full of self mockery: "maybe you're right, I didn't see clearly, but I have a problem that I really don't understand."

"Why did your mother do that to you?"

"That's right."

Huangfu Qing looked at Qiao mofeng like this, some helpless, also some angry: "in fact, you know? At that time, you should know everything. Maybe it's just because you don't believe that your mother will do this to you, so you'd rather let this kind of problem haunt you all the time. "

“……” Qiao mofeng didn't speak at Huangfu Qing, but his face was not so beautiful.

Tea and tea some worry about Qiao mofeng: "Huangfu Qing you don't say."

"Why not? In order to hurt him, he would rather let his beloved parents follow him to worry. What is his name? It's called self deception. I don't care about him if it's not for his grieving brother. " If it wasn't for the light and darkness of qiaomoshang's star and the letter from qiaomoshang, he wouldn't wade into this muddy water.

"Huangfu Qing."

Huangfu Qing didn't pay any attention to the anger of tea, but looked at Qiao mofeng: "after Shang left, when he saw your star, it was bright and dark. So let me have a look. Let a child who is ten years younger than you worry about you. Oh, Qiao mofeng, you are the big brother? Don't you know that Uncle Lei asked Uncle Lei to pick other people's territory in order to let those people of the Xiao family have no time to come to you for trouble? You know that, don't you? But you? You pretend you don't know anything, you pretend to be deaf and dumb, genius? If all the geniuses in the world are like you, I think they might as well die together. "

Huangfu Qing is really angry this time. How could there be such a person? How could he not think about them for Qiao Tianchang?

"Huangfu, you are too much." Said tea and tea angrily.

"Am I too much? Who is it that goes too far? How many years has that happened? If I'm right, it's been seven or eight years, hasn't it? For seven or eight years, he tormented himself here for such a problem. He tormented himself when he said it was good, and tormented his relatives when he said it was bad. " Huangfu Qing sneered and looked at Qiao mofeng, who was still sitting there.

"Joe mofeng, you said that uncle and aunt are very kind to you, but what have you thanked them for? What else have you done besides keeping them worried about you? " Qiaomofeng's silent appearance made Huangfu Qing even more angry. This man is still in need of beating as before.

Tea tea is very angry, want to let Huangfu Qing leave, was stopped by Qiao mofeng: "tea tea you let him say."

"What else can I say? It's just a waste of breath to talk to people like you. How could Uncle Joe and his aunt have such a wonderful son like you? Even uncle fengxiao is also a big task on the west coast. How can their son look like this? I really doubt now. Have you really learned all their skills in these years? " Huangfu Qing looked at Qiao mofeng's words and said, what he said made people feel very uncomfortable, even extremely harsh.

Zhao Mingyu sneaks away when they quarrel and goes to find fengxiao and them.

So when Ning Mengyao came here, he saw their swords drawn.

Unable to reach out and rub his forehead: "what are you doing?"

"Auntie, we didn't do anything." Huangfu Qing said with a smile.

Ning Mengyao looked at Huangfu Qing and despised her very much. Did she seem to be such a fool?

"Do I look like a fool?"

"Of course not. Aunt is the smartest person." Said Huangfu Qing in a hurry.

He is not impatient. He dare to say such things to Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao gave Huangfu a cool look: "it's really You're glib. Now tell me what's wrong with you. "

Huangfu Qing didn't speak, Qiao mofeng didn't speak. At last, Ning Mengyao could only focus on Qi tea: "tea tea tells me what happened."