Reach for the anxious chin, Yu Feng eyes with a bad smile, if such things can be more than a few times, then their Treasury may be full.

Hearing the bad Xiaosheng, Merlin glanced at him indecently: "don't think about the mess."

This man is really, really dare to think.

"Don't I just think about it? Well, we just have to wait for it now. " Yufeng said with a smile.

Meiruolin didn't take a good look at Yufeng. How could she marry such a disharmonious one.

After they left Qinglin school, Ning Mengyao went back to the place where they had gone before. They haven't figured out how there were so many people in those places in this period of time.

When they went back, they found that there seemed to be more people in the tavern. Ning Mengyao looked at the shopkeeper strangely: "what's going on here? How many people?"

It seems that there are still some people in the Jianghu. What happened? How can so many people gather here at one time.

"Madame doesn't know. They are all going to the snow." The shopkeeper said happily.

They have heard a lot these days, and naturally they know a little bit about it.

"Snow field?" Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at each other and see obvious doubts in each other's eyes.

"Yes, it's said that there are treasures in the snow area. Now many people have passed." Said the shopkeeper.

Ning Mengyao nodded to show that he knew. They looked at each other and were going to go back to the room first.

When walking to the stairway, I suddenly heard a voice: "I don't know if it's true this time. If there is treasure in the snow field, people in the snow field should not hide things, but spread them out in such a big way.

"Yes, but I heard that many people know. Is that true?"

"I don't know. Just look at it." The man on the side opens his mouth.

They stood there for a while, hearing nothing valuable, and went upstairs immediately.

Ning Mengyao frowned tightly: "Tianchang, what did you say about this? Can it be because of this that Qi Feng and his wife fail to attend feng'er's wedding? "

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "I don't know, but it's not impossible. If we want to go to the snow, we need to prepare more things."

He heard that Xiao Qifeng had said a lot about the snow area. There was little food on it. He had to prepare more food and clothes.

Ningmengyao nodded: "it's time to prepare well."

Because they were going to Xueyu, Ning Mengyao didn't hide from tongbaozhai this time. They went to the shop nearby and took a lot of things, but they were all practical, so they left.

Along the way, both of them saw a lot of people. They all went to the same place as them.

"There are so many people in Tianchang."

"Well, let's go." Qiao Tianchang nodded and then took Ning Mengyao to the front.

It took them half a month to get there. Although they were still far away from each other, Ning Mengyao had seen the vast expanse of white.

"It's beautiful."

"It's beautiful, but it's dangerous." Qiao Tianchang nodded.

"You're right. Just be careful. It doesn't matter." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"Are you going to the snow field, too?" When they were ready to find a place to rest in ningmengyao, a warm voice sounded beside them.

Ning Mengyao and his wife turned to look at each other at the same time: "yes, what's the matter?"

"No, just wondering if we can go together." The man said with a smile.

Ningmengyao looked up and down at each other, with curiosity in her eyes: "why do you want to be with us?"

"I came out alone with the bodyguard. I see you are also two. I want to have a companion with you. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm bored when it's snowy." Come to spread out the hand to say very helplessly.

There's a stuffy subordinate. It's a hard injury. I can't help it.

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at each other: "why not?"

"Really? Great. My name is Wen Yujing. How about you? "

"Ning Mengyao's' Qiao Tianchang '," Ning Mengyao and her two introduced themselves respectively.

Wen Yujing heard the names of the two men, frowning tightly, with obvious doubts in his eyes: "a familiar name, I seem to have heard it somewhere."