The bodyguard behind Wen Yujing, looking at his young master like this, couldn't help but walk up and whisper in his ear and say, "young master, this is the general of the state of Xiao, and the general's wife."

Wen Yujing took a look at the two people beside him, and then looked at his bodyguard. "Are you sure you are right?"

These two people look so young. How could they be those two people? You should know that their sons are so old.

Ning Mengyao looked at the people in front of him funny. Just now, he was wondering if the man was intentional. But now he can be sure that he really doesn't know who they are.


"But they are so young that they don't look like people with children." Whispered Wen Yujing.

“……” Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing in tears and laughs. Even if they are young, they will not reach this point?

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said seriously, "Tianchang, we are still so young? We should be satisfied. "

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "you are right."

Wen Yujing had to believe even if he didn't want to. He looked at the two men and asked, "are you really the general of Xiaoguo and his wife?"

"No?" Ningmengyao looks at Yujing and asks.

Wen Yujing shook his head and said, "not really. I've always wanted to see what the general and the general's wife look like and why they are so powerful. I didn't expect to see them this time."

"Is it?"

"Yes, I think you are all very good." Wen Yujing said very seriously.

He has heard a lot of rumors about these two men, but he has never seen them before. But he also knows that they have three children, and one of their adoptive sons has been married. So when his bodyguard said that they are the two generals of the state of Xiao, his first reaction was that they are impossible, and they are too young.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing and smiles in his eyes. He is really an interesting person.

"Do you know about the snow area? We don't know. " Ningmengyao asked curiously.

Wen Yujing frowned slightly: "in fact, I'm not very clear. I just heard that there are treasures in the snow area. Then my family plans to send someone to have a look. At last, I think I'll come out and walk."

Looking at the look of Yujing, Ning Mengyao can be sure that this guy is sneaking out.

"Did you sneak out?" Qiao Tianchang, who was listening to them, said suddenly.

Wen Yujing looks at Qiao Tianchang speechless, even if he knows it, doesn't he have to say it?

"In fact, you can not say it." Wen Yujing said solemnly.

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing, but she didn't expect to see such an interesting person when she went out this time.

When the three chatted, there were more and more people around, all of whom were not familiar with each other. Ning Mengyao looked around and frowned slightly.

"What's the matter?"

"Tianchang, did you find anything strange?" Asked Ning Mengyao, frowning.

Qiao Tianchang looked around and nodded: "there are too many people here, and they are not weak in martial arts."

Ning Mengyao nodded: "you're right. I'm really curious about what happened in the snow area and what could lead so many people to it."

Wen Yujing listened to them quietly. When he saw some people, he looked down and didn't go there.

Noticing the small action of Wen Yujing, Ning Mengyao and their eyebrows slightly wrinkled: "what's the matter with you?"

Wen Yujing shook his head: "I'm ok. I just saw some people I don't want to see."

Ning Mengyao looked at it curiously: "the group of people whose backs we are facing?"


"Your enemy?"

Wen Yujing shook his head: "enemies are not good, but they absolutely don't like it." Said, eyes flashed clear disgust.

Ningmengyao looked at Yujing and was even more curious: "I was suddenly curious about what those people did, which made you hate them so much."

"It's nothing." Wen Yujing glanced at the men and said, "the girl in the middle is my former fiancee, but not now."