Ning Mengyao's words may be a little serious, but it is also a fact. If Yu Jing can't recognize the facts, he is not stupid, but very stupid.

Wen Yujing subconsciously turns to see his elder brother and his second brother: "elder brother?"

"What they said is very right. They are both experienced people. Their experience is much better than ours. Little three can't be wrong if they listen to them." Wen Yumin said.

Wen Yujing said, nodding, "I see."

Ningmengyao reached out his hand and rubbed his brow and heart. He was helpless and said, "this trip to snow mountain will let you understand what we said."

Snow mountain is the most mysterious place. No one will know what will happen on it, including them.

Wen Yuxin wanted to remind his heartless brother, but after thinking about it, he was silent.

The younger brother is not young either. It's time to learn something, not always.

Look at the eldest brother. It seems that he has some plans to make the junior suffer and know something.

In this way, the four people didn't say anything but walked in silence. Wen Yujing, who always talked a lot, didn't know whether it was because of their words, so they didn't talk all the time. They always looked thoughtful and didn't know what they were thinking.

No matter what he was thinking, they didn't pay attention to it, just thought about the previous things.

It took two days for the five people to finally enter the snow mountain. Ning Mengyao looked at the snow-white piece and slightly hooked up his mouth: "Tianchang, I really like this place."

"If you like, let's stay a little longer." Qiao Tianchang said with a smile.


In fact, the weather on the snow mountain is not very good, and it is very difficult to walk. Is there still a cold wind blowing on their faces, making their cheeks tingling.

"Are you OK Yao Yao?" Looking at Ning Mengyao's face flushed with cold, Qiao Tianchang's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and asked with some worry.

Ning Mengyao shook her head gently: "I'm ok. Don't worry about me."

Qiao Tianchang frowned, reached out and touched her cheek: "it seems that we need to go quickly. The snowstorm is coming."

Ning Mengyao looked around and nodded approvingly: "Tianchang is right. The weather on the snow mountain has changed. We have to find a place to avoid the wind and snow."

Wen Yujing asked strangely, "brother Qiao, how do you know it's going to snow, sister-in-law?"

Wen Yumin reached out and patted his brother's head: "don't you feel the snow is heavy?"

Looking around, Yujing shook his head: "it seems that the snow is the same as before."

Ningmengyao looked at wenyujing in silence, reached out and rubbed his forehead: "wenyujing, I suddenly want to throw you on the snow mountain, not take you away."

"Ah? No, sister-in-law. " Cried Wen Yujing.

Ning Mengyao looks at the guy in front of her with a headache, and says helplessly, "how did your brother grow up to that size? It's rare that he doesn't grow crooked. "

Wen Yumin's brothers took a look at Wen Yujing and sighed helplessly: "this is also a matter of no way."

"Come on, snowy mountains are not for fun." Qiao Tianchang said in silence for a moment.

The three brothers of Wen family followed Ning Mengyao and they walked quickly together. It was not long before Wen Yumin found out that their feet did not occupy an area.

He took a deep look at them. People all said that the martial arts of the general and his wife were very profound. At the beginning, he didn't believe them at all. But now she does. It's really powerful.

"Big brother, what are you looking at?"

"Look, junior." Wen Yumin points to the place where Qiao Tianchang and his wife passed by and lets Wen Yujing see it.

Wen Yujing looked at the past, then widened his eyes and thought it was inconceivable.

"No?" It's amazing that they didn't have a trace of the deep snow after they passed by.