"I'm afraid their internal power has reached an unfathomable level." Wen Yuxin said.

Wen Yumin nodded and turned to look at his younger brother. "You don't know what you're going to get when you meet them."

Wen Yujing looked at his two elder brothers discontentedly and said angrily, "elder brother, elder brother, you are envious and jealous."

Ningmengyao turned to look at the three brothers who were making trouble, and said helplessly, "your mood is still good, but don't you think this place is not suitable for your feelings?"

The three brothers looked at the couple who had gone out for a long distance and hurriedly followed.

It took them a long time to find an ice cave.

There are many things in this ice cave. It's obvious that someone has lived in it before.

Qiao Tianchang took out a fire fold to light the dry wood in the cave, and then put some snow in the pot beside him. After the pot was heated and cleaned, he took out some food and boiled it in.

"Yao Yao, take a rest here. I'll see if there's anything to eat here." Said Jo Tianchang.

"Well, just look around. Don't go far. You can come back earlier." Ning Mengyao frowned and worried.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "don't worry, I'll be back soon. Don't worry."

"Well, I'll wait for you here."

After Qiao Tianchang left, Ning Mengyao looked at the three people and thought about it. He said, "snow mountain is a more mysterious place besides desert. There are many dangers here. Snowstorm is normal, so the first thing you need to do is to learn to observe the weather."


"I don't know when we will be separated because of the snowstorm. At that time, we have to survive on our own. I don't know what we can eat on the snow mountain. Tianchang will come back later and let him tell you. Now I'll tell you how to distinguish the weather." Ning Mengyao said very seriously.

Maybe it's because the expression and tone of Ning Mengyao are very serious, and they listen to Yu Jing very seriously, and they will ask about the places they don't understand, which makes Ning Mengyao very satisfied.

During the conversation, the soup in the pot was almost cooked. Ning Mengyao washed the bowl beside him, and one person filled a bowl: "drink some soup to warm your body."

"Thank you, sister-in-law. You know a lot." Wen Yujing said while drinking soup.

Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yujing and said, "what can I do if I don't understand that?"

Wen Yujing blinked, but he didn't know the meaning of Bai Ning's dream Yao.

"Xiaosan, as the leader of tongbaozhai, if she doesn't know all these things, tongbaozhai will not reach the scale of today." Wen Yumin helplessly looked at his brother and said.

Wen Yujing glared round his eyes and subconsciously turned to look at Ning Mengyao beside him: "are you the master of tongbaozhai?"

"You don't know?" Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing in dismay.

"You didn't tell me." Wen Yujing said gloomily.

“……” Ning Mengyao choked for a while, and then turned away from talking to the two goods.

"Aren't you the general's wife?"

Wen Yuxin on the edge couldn't look down: "the general's wife is the master of tongbaozhai. This is something everyone knows, but you don't know?"

He always thought his younger brother was simple, but he didn't expect that people would be so simple.

Wen Yujing shrunk his neck and said, "I don't care about that."

"I'm really curious about what you usually care about." Ning Mengyao said very seriously.

"Me? I actually have more fun, and then I will learn from others. "

"What to learn?"


"The third child is a zither maniac. He can't walk when he sees the zither." Hearing Yu Xin's helpless shaking his head, he said: "his talent is good. My parents asked the master to teach him."

Ning Mengyao nodded clearly: "so it is."

"Haha, yes, but my sister-in-law didn't expect you to be the master of tongbaozhai. You are really powerful." Wen Yujing's eyes brightened and he looked at Ning Mengyao. He only saw the idolatry in that way, but he didn't have any thoughts that he shouldn't have.