Wen Yujing was pushed away by Qiao Tianchang, but he didn't react. However, after blinking vigorously, he completely reflected how he was treated.

"I didn't do anything, brother Joe." Wen Yujing said innocently.

"What else do you want to do?" Qiao Tianchang narrowed his eyes and picked up his eyebrows to watch Yu Jing's eyes turn cold.

“……” Wen Yujing said that he was really innocent. He was clearly sharing the embarrassment with his sister-in-law. Why was he finally hated by his brother-in-law? Now he is still hated by brother Qiao.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang's appearance, Wen Yumin's brothers suddenly felt that they had really indulged their junior so much that they had no status in front of their daughter-in-law.

They began to reflect on the stupid things they had done before.

"Brother Joe, what are these things?" Wen Yujing was suddenly attracted by what Qiao Tianchang had in his hand. In a flash, he forgot what he had just done and asked immediately.


“……” Wen Yujing is helpless. He also knows that it's food, but he hasn't seen it before.

Qiao Tianchang starts to peel. Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang's movements with her chin on one hand and a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Wen Yujing looked at Qiao Tianchang, who was busy, and then at Ning Mengyao, who was next to him. Suddenly he said, "sister in law, I suddenly feel more comfortable with you and brother Qiao than with them."

"Well? Why? "

Wen Yujing thought bitterly, and then said seriously, "although my eldest brother and sister-in-law have good feelings, I think I prefer to stay with you."

Ningmengyao is speechless. In the past, the people around them, who don't say that their husband and wife abuse single dogs when they can't move, now there are still people who like to follow them. It's quite an accident.

"You don't feel sick?"

"Why do you ask that?" Wen Yujing didn't respond for a while, and asked immediately.

Ningmengyao reluctantly spread out his hands and said solemnly, "because they all say that we are abusing single dogs, not only single dogs, but also married ones."

Wen Yumin and his brothers agree with this. They know how good their relationship is when they go with them these days.

When they didn't meet their husband and wife, Wen brothers thought they were good enough for their wife. But when they saw their husband and wife getting along, they found that what they did was insignificant.

Wen Yujing nodded approvingly: "this is a little bit, but I still like to be with you very much."

"Under abuse." Wen Yuxin said contemptuously.

“…… As for the second brother? "

Wen Yuxin looks at Wen Yujing and says, "what did I say?"

“……” Wen Yujing decided not to talk to this guy. He was still angry when he saved.

"What's this, brother Joe? How can it look like a mouse?" Wen Yujing suddenly asked.

Qiao Tianchang's movement pauses for a moment: "you are right. It's a mouse."

Wen Yujing's expression cracked because of Qiao Tianchang's words: "brother Qiao You... You didn't talk to me Are you kidding? "

"Do I seem to be kidding you?" Qiao Tianchang asked with a frown.

"But But how can I eat this mouse? " Wen Yujing wants to cry without tears.

"Cooked." Qiao Tianchang said he was very calm. He had eaten all the raw food and baked it for him. How else would he like to drop it?

“……” Wen Yujing turns to look at Ning Mengyao gloomily: "does sister-in-law really want to eat?"

Ning Mengyao couldn't help but chuckle and said, "OK, Tianchang is for you to play with. It's just a long animal like a mouse, with good meat."

"Is it?"

Ningmengyao helplessly patted Qiao Tianchang's shoulder: "Tianchang don't scare people."

"Is it a man who is so timid?" Joe Tianchang said scornfully.

“……” Hearing that the two brothers were speechless, they looked at Qiao Tianchang.

In fact, when they heard that they were going to eat mice, they didn't know how confused they were, but fortunately, they would rather not eat them than eat them.